
japanese hot pot900px
It's been nearly a month of one ailment or another here.
Hoping we all are back to normal soon.
I'm taking a break from my 30 Day Photo Challenge and will pick up where I left off when I am feeling a bit better.
Looking forward to the holiday and time off work for My Love. I plan to rest and recover.
I'll be back soon . . .
As part of my efforts to ward off the sickies I made this for lunch today.
Japanese Hot Pot.
Isn't it beautiful?
The radishes, spinach and joi choi  came from our garden.
Mmm . . .


  1. So sorry you're sick! I am on Day 3 of a nasty cold. Hoping I'll be able to taste things by tomorrow! :) Get batter soon!! Your hot pot looks amazing.

  2. Hello! I just hopped over from Sara's blog. I LOVE your blog - your photos are gorgeous and you are so positive. I immediately added you to my Bookmarks. :) Thanks for the inspiration on this dreary gray Washington day!

  3. I'm on Day 13 of a nasty viral bronchitis, so I can definitely relate! Hope y'all feel better soon & can't wait to see the photos that will follow :-)


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