30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 9 - { Faceless Self Portrait }

9 Faceless Self Portrait
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Faceless Self Portrait } ...it's a good thing too. You wouldn't want to see my face today.
Red rimmed eyes, Rudolph red nose...
I have a bad cold. or flu. Not sure which one.
I set up the tripod to capture me enjoying my afternoon latte. It was soothing to my sore throat. (tea would have been a better choice, and I had plenty of that today too. At the time though, I needed a little pick-me-up. ;)
:: Today's Gratitudes :: a hot shower to clear the sinuses, hot tea, piping hot healing soup for dinner, setting up a "blog" for My Girl, my soft pillow to catch my weary head.

P.S. The coffee print behind me is by fellow blogger, Sara Janssen. (her Etsy shop can be found HERE)
I have three of her prints in my home, one of which she signed herself when we met in Austin last year.
Her, and her family are incredibly cool and have been on so many adventures!
Sara is such a creative inspiring soul! Check out her blog HERE  (you're welcome ;)


  1. Awwwww thanks for the link love mama!! I'm totally in love with your portrait. You know I have a total crush on that mug. I like to stare at it. And your outfit is ADORABLE...even if you have a cold. I like headless bodies. ;-) Feel better soon!!! xxoo


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