30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 20 - { What I Read }

20 What I Read
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { What I Read }  Today I read nothing but knitting patterns . . . pretty much.
Although, before getting out of bed this morning I read this blog post and it definitely resonated with me.
Have a read . . .
:: Today's Gratitudes :: today I am thankful for My Love who got up with the baby so I could sleep in (despite his going to bed at 2:30 AM !) for pancake breakfasts, knitting, knitting, & more knitting, and popcorn dinners.


  1. Those handwarmers with the teal in the photo are AMAZING! I just got some new ones for my birthday. I'm of the opinion that you can never have too many :) I'm envious of your prolific knitting...it's on my life list. I'm thinking it will happen when I'm 60!

  2. P.S. I LOVE the ones you're knitting too ;-)

  3. Sara - prolific . . . hardly! There are seasons . . . I just love it. It excites, stretches and soothes me!
    Jenna - Day 12 was Close Up

  4. i love the days when all i read are knitting patterns.....mmm mmmm good.

    the campout mitts, have some on the needles right now, but i'm going to rip back and do over differently. those are something i've knit and frogged numerous times with various yarns. not sure they are meant for me.

    i do like the cables i'm seeing in that lovely neutral!

  5. Sarah, I love the construction of the campout mitts. After fudging my way through the top portion I have one almost complete. I love the thumb! No picking up stitches!
    The neutral is a most wonderful hot water bottle cosy. I adore it! As a matter of fact I think I will go sit a spell with it now! :)

  6. you really make me wanna learn how to knit!!!!


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