30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 3 - {Clouds}

:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Clouds } 
When looking ahead to the coming photo challenges, I suspected there wouldn't be a cloud in the sky on 'Cloud day'...
I was right! A beautiful blue, cloudless, sky greeted me this day. I'm not complaining! :) However, I had to get creative...
My first thought (even before my friend suggested it ;) was to make a cloud out of cotton balls. I cut a  cloud shape out of cardstock and taped a bunch of cotton balls to it, thread fishing line through it and hung it from a tree... It looked pretty ridiculous! So, after a half an hour of trying to figure out what I was going to do, I decided to slap another cardstock cloud onto a dowel and stick it in the air... viola!
With a little Photoshop magic I made a cloud in the sky! :)
Here's the before picture:
:: Today's Gratitudes :: a beautiful cloudless sky, crisp cool breezes, leaves of yellow, and garden delights.


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