30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 17 - { On The Shelf }

17 On The Shelf
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { On The Shelf } I kind of cheated today and am using an image from a few days ago.
I took a picture of my section of the book shelf this morning, but found it rather boring.
I'd much rather share this shelf (technically the mantle) with you all.
It holds my treasured Polaroid SX-70, clover plant, and photographs of family.
The light dances on the mantle in the morning and evening, shining beautifully on those I hold dear.
My family, and my love for photography and nature.
I've kept a clover plant in my home for years now. It's a great plant for me. Very resilient. :)
:: Today's Gratitudes :: snuggling under the warm covers on this chilly morning, coffee in my beautiful cup, the anticipation of My Love coming home a bit early today, morning kisses from my children, and my family.


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