
japanese hot pot900px
It's been nearly a month of one ailment or another here.
Hoping we all are back to normal soon.
I'm taking a break from my 30 Day Photo Challenge and will pick up where I left off when I am feeling a bit better.
Looking forward to the holiday and time off work for My Love. I plan to rest and recover.
I'll be back soon . . .
As part of my efforts to ward off the sickies I made this for lunch today.
Japanese Hot Pot.
Isn't it beautiful?
The radishes, spinach and joi choi  came from our garden.
Mmm . . .

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 20 - { What I Read }

20 What I Read
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { What I Read }  Today I read nothing but knitting patterns . . . pretty much.
Although, before getting out of bed this morning I read this blog post and it definitely resonated with me.
Have a read . . .
:: Today's Gratitudes :: today I am thankful for My Love who got up with the baby so I could sleep in (despite his going to bed at 2:30 AM !) for pancake breakfasts, knitting, knitting, & more knitting, and popcorn dinners.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 19 - { Where I Slept }

19 Where I Slept
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Where I Slept }  Our mattress & box springs are terrible . . . it really is time to replace them, and the sheets are so well worn, there are two BIG holes in the fitted sheet!
(Why are sheets SO expensive?! Any suggestions?)
Combine that with co-sleeping and I don't get much rest when I do sleep. ;)
Despite all that, I adore the quilt that my dear friend finished for me. It is made from unfinished quilt squares My Love's grandmother had started in the 40's. My friend finished it beautifully!
I also LOVE my IKEA GOSARAPS pillow. (I do NOT think I paid that price on the website. If I did, that's just shameful!)
:: Today's Gratitudes :: today I am thankful for my bed despite it's flaws, because there are those out there who have no bed to rest in, donuts (as evil as they are) for breakfast, new blocks for my children to play with, & my thoughtful husband.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day - 18 { In My Bag }

18 In My Bag
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { In My Bag } my bag . . . what a mess it is.
I purchased the bag itself on clearance at Target two years ago. It has stains and rips all over it, but I love it!
It's a messenger style bag, with no organization whatsoever, so everything just gets dumped in it.
I call it my Marry Poppins bag, because I have to rummage through it for five minutes to retrieve just one item!
(and partly because I have some weird items I carry around. ;)
If you'd like to see the guts of my bag up close visit flickr to see all the notes. ;)
:: Today's Gratitudes :: today I am thankful for encouraging women whom I don't even "know" but am blessed by their writings HERE and HERE, for easy naptime, food enough for my family, visions for the future, travel dreams with My Love, and a night off from cooking.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 17 - { On The Shelf }

17 On The Shelf
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { On The Shelf } I kind of cheated today and am using an image from a few days ago.
I took a picture of my section of the book shelf this morning, but found it rather boring.
I'd much rather share this shelf (technically the mantle) with you all.
It holds my treasured Polaroid SX-70, clover plant, and photographs of family.
The light dances on the mantle in the morning and evening, shining beautifully on those I hold dear.
My family, and my love for photography and nature.
I've kept a clover plant in my home for years now. It's a great plant for me. Very resilient. :)
:: Today's Gratitudes :: snuggling under the warm covers on this chilly morning, coffee in my beautiful cup, the anticipation of My Love coming home a bit early today, morning kisses from my children, and my family.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day - 16 { What I Ate }

16 What I Ate
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { What I Ate } Cranberry Bliss Bars are back! I look forward to this season every year! Mmm . . .
:: Today's Gratitudes :: today I am thankful for My Love {he gets me}, "local" wine, a "nibbly" dinner, therapeutic knitting, sunshine to warm me, & of course, cranberry bliss bars.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day - 15 { My Shoes }

15 My Shoes
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { My Shoes } While people in many parts of the country are pulling out their woolen hats, mitts, & scarves, we are still experiencing 80 degree temperatures many days. I am grateful most days, but would love to slip on my UGGs and wear all of my knitted hats & cowls.
For now I will enjoy my Birkenstocks just a little longer . . .
:: Today's Gratitudes :: lunch break phone call from My Love, fresh baked banana bread, photography and the joy it brings me to capture beauty and the "everyday", nourishing soup for dinner.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 14 - { Flowers }

14 Flowers
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Flowers } Morning Glory . . . My Favorite. As was my husband's mother's.
I plant them every year, where the climate permits. They bloom numerous times throughout the season, sharing their brilliant beauty. These vines are almost done for the year, but displayed large beautiful blooms one last time . . .
:: Today's Gratitudes :: mini roads trip, cozy yarn shops, new shoes for my loves, salmon dinner at Whole Foods, soy chai latte for the ride home

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 13 - { From A Distance }

13 From A Distance
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { From A Distance } 
I'm sure there are far more creative spins I could have made on today's challenge prompt, but we've been sick . . . laying low . . . taking it easy.
I chose to photograph the view of my loves from the distance of my comfortable hammock.
We were out enjoying the sunshine and warm temps (even though I complained that it was the middle of November, and 80 degrees!)
:: Today's Gratitudes :: homemade waffles, a clean kitchen, my children pretending and playing together, leftover soup, garden soil beneath nails, and animated chatter between father & daughter.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 12 - { Close Up }

12 Close Up
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Close Up } 
In the garden...
Broccoli leaves.
Love the lush green color, and the magical sparkle of the water droplet.
:: Today's Gratitudes :: a tidy home, and refrigerator, treats with my loves, a little alone time, Civil Wars Pandora Radio station, & knitting inspiration.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 10 - { Something I Made }

10 Something I Made
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Something I Made } I originally made these arm warmers for myself.
But after shrinking them in the wash (doh!) I sadly handed them over to My Girl, and she happily received them.
(I'll make myself a pair one day.)
I followed instructions from an amazing fellow knitter/blogger.
(Her blog is nearly a daily visit...check it out HERE)
If you are on Ravelry you can find my knitting notes HERE
:: Today's Gratitudes :: just enough to get by, facial tissues...soft, soft tissues, My Love grocery shopping with the kids so I can rest, playing cars with Baby Boy, books resting in random spots - waiting for My Girl to pick them back up and read again

tucking away autumn

{ blog } tucking away autumn
because if you blink here, you might miss it! ;)

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 9 - { Faceless Self Portrait }

9 Faceless Self Portrait
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Faceless Self Portrait }'s a good thing too. You wouldn't want to see my face today.
Red rimmed eyes, Rudolph red nose...
I have a bad cold. or flu. Not sure which one.
I set up the tripod to capture me enjoying my afternoon latte. It was soothing to my sore throat. (tea would have been a better choice, and I had plenty of that today too. At the time though, I needed a little pick-me-up. ;)
:: Today's Gratitudes :: a hot shower to clear the sinuses, hot tea, piping hot healing soup for dinner, setting up a "blog" for My Girl, my soft pillow to catch my weary head.

P.S. The coffee print behind me is by fellow blogger, Sara Janssen. (her Etsy shop can be found HERE)
I have three of her prints in my home, one of which she signed herself when we met in Austin last year.
Her, and her family are incredibly cool and have been on so many adventures!
Sara is such a creative inspiring soul! Check out her blog HERE  (you're welcome ;)

Creative Projects // №. 2 ~ Halloween Costumes

Owl { Blog }
Owl { Blog }
Owl { Blog }
Owl { Blog }
Baby Bear { Blog }
Baby Bear
Them { Blog }
My Girl decided to be an Owl for Halloween this year.
I was tasked to either find an affordable pre-made costume, or make it...
After coming up empty in our search for a pre-made costume, I dusted off my sewing machine, rummaged through my scrap materials and yarn and took on the challenge of making it.
My Girl and I browsed knitting patterns for a mask that might resemble an owl and came upon this pattern: Zsa Mask
I cast on and knit away.... I finished it off with felt additions and tassels on the ears.
We knew immediately (after seeing it on Pinterest) that we would use this tutorial for the wings.
The only modifications I made were to cut each set of four feathers. I didn't have enough material to double them up.
The wings were made entirely out of materials we already had, either from previous projects or projects that never came to fruition.
We had lots of ideas for Baby Boy's costumes.
In the end I stayed up a little late one night and knit up a quick little Bear Hat.
45 minutes from start to finish! Thank goodness for big needles and yarn!
If you're on Ravelry you can find my notes HERE and HERE 

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 8 - { Technology }

8 Technology
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Technology} hates me! (or I hate it, haven't decided)
Today the back light on my iPhone 3Gs went out. (I really want to upgrade and am saving my pennies)
I spent the better portion of my day backing up my data and talking to an advisor to arrange a replacement phone.
Once I receive the replacement, it will be the 4th iPhone I have had in 20 months.
Is it me or the product?
I'm starting to wonder...
:: Today's Gratitudes :: AppleCare+ so I didn't have to pay for phone support or a replacement phone, My Girl taking care of her brother while I dealt with phone issues, and coffee.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 7 - { Fruit }

7 Fruit
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Fruit } This day was busy so this image was taken sort of as an afterthought and in the evening without any natural light. Bummer. I have some pretty good ideas on how to photograph fruit. Maybe another day. :)
:: Today's Gratitudes :: I typed my gratitudes in my iPhone before going to bed and when I tried to turn it on the next day my phone would not turn on. After getting a replacement phone I haven't figured out how to restore my notes yet. So I have no gratitudes from this day.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 6 - { Childhood Memory }

6 Childhood Memory
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Childhood Memory } 
I was very fortunate to have a wonderful father growing up. He was in the military, but home most of the time. On rare occasions that he would have to travel, I would miss him terribly, but always looked forward to the surprises he would bring home for my Mom, sister, and I. :)
He traveled to Singapore once, and brought home these beautiful handmade coin purses for my sister and I. I still have it after all these years. I wonder if my sister still has hers?
:: Today's Gratitudes :: My Dad, and how he cherishes the women in his life, my own husband who is just as an amazing father to our children, for bright sunshine, my children's laughter and the way they play together despite the 8 year age difference.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 5 - { Someone I Love }

5 Someone I Love
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Someone I Love } 
How do you choose one person you love? I love many, many people in the wide world, but I decided it was only fitting to share an image of My Girl...
Because today we took the first part of the day just for us.
I took her to IHOP for brunch... her favorite.
We wandered the bookstore and shopped a little. It was just her and I.
It used to always be just her and I.
Before Baby Boy.
She loves her little brother, but cherishes the times I focus on just her.
Even if it's just lingering in her bed after saying goodnight, and snuggling just a little longer.
She will be grown before I know it, so I treasure the days we can take a little time just for us.
Love her so much...
:: Today's Gratitudes :: Artful Blogging magazine, spoiling My Girl, new clothes for Baby Boy, and a hubby who stays home on a Saturday with our Baby Boy so I can take My Girl out.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 4 - {Favorite Color}

:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Favorite Color } 
How appropriate that the season is displaying my favorite color!
:: Y E L L O W ::
Maybe that's another reason why Fall is my favorite.
:: Today's Gratitudes :: yummy leftovers for lunch and homemade pizza for dinner, healing snuggles and kisses for my sick boy

*I really dislike how the leaf is almost dead center in this image. Noted... ;) Shooting every day is conducive to growth and learning...

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 3 - {Clouds}

:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Clouds } 
When looking ahead to the coming photo challenges, I suspected there wouldn't be a cloud in the sky on 'Cloud day'...
I was right! A beautiful blue, cloudless, sky greeted me this day. I'm not complaining! :) However, I had to get creative...
My first thought (even before my friend suggested it ;) was to make a cloud out of cotton balls. I cut a  cloud shape out of cardstock and taped a bunch of cotton balls to it, thread fishing line through it and hung it from a tree... It looked pretty ridiculous! So, after a half an hour of trying to figure out what I was going to do, I decided to slap another cardstock cloud onto a dowel and stick it in the air... viola!
With a little Photoshop magic I made a cloud in the sky! :)
Here's the before picture:
:: Today's Gratitudes :: a beautiful cloudless sky, crisp cool breezes, leaves of yellow, and garden delights.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 2 - {What I Wore}

:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { What I Wore }
Today I wore two different outfits...
My first one was for schlepping around the house and consisted of my favorite pair of baggy jeans (thrifted), a thrifted t-shirt I took a bleach pen to (that's a ball of yarn with needles poking out. ;) my favorite scarf, and a chevron friendship bracelet and wrap bracelet made by moi...
My second outfit was for yoga this evening. Again, my favorite scarf, the most comfy tank EVER found on clearance at Target, black leggings (not pictured) and a yoga skirt I made this afternoon by piecing together another thrifted t-shirt (didn't like the way it fit) that I used a bleach pen on and a tank I had in my stash.
{I loosely followed this tutorial.}
:: Today's Gratitudes :: today I am grateful for My Girl who trusts me enough to reveal even the "ugly" parts of her heart, and for an opportunity to show her my unconditional love for her / For my husband who stops at the grocery store on the way home from work / For snuggles on the couch with my Baby Boy / A delicious and easy salmon dinner (a rare and expensive treat for us.) / and Y O G A

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 1 - {Self Portrait}

I am embarking on a 30 Day Photo Challenge combined with 30 days of Gratitude.
:: Today's Photo Challenge :: { Self Portrait }
Always a tough photo to take. We are most critical of ourselves... I even brought out my monster of a tripod, but alas my final pick was hand-held and shot from a low angle. (I normally loathe shots from below.) My laughter in the photo is genuine because I was laughing at Baby Boy playing in the yard. :)
:: Today's Gratitudes :: green grass & leaves, fresh air, & golden light... ::
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