ten on ten - April 2012

{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012Breakfast with my little guy. We were the only ones up, and Daddy was already at work.
{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012. . .breakfast clean-up.
{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012. . .a little blogging
{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012. . .lunch on the lawn! beautiful weather today!
{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012. . .treats on the lawn!
{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012. . .a little card making
{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012. . .happy hour! :)
{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012. . .farm fresh eggs and garlic chives bought directly from the local farmer!
{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012. . .dinner on the lawn. We were outside most of the day today!
{ blog } ten on ten :: april 2012. . .giving our new plants a drink.
What a lovely day indeed!

is a fun monthly photo project to document
"life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day" 
and can be found at 
ten on ten button


  1. These are great! Really love the computer, lunch on the lawn, happy hour and egg pics... hard to pick a favorite.

  2. Wow, I love your set! I love all of the natural light you let into each photo as well! I think the popsicle one is my fave. :)

  3. Such a gorgeous day! Fantastic pictures.
    I really like the blogging pic because of that super-sweet letter on the wall (the I love you so so much one).

  4. fun fun fun !

    what are you growing this year ?


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