
I have always been a bit afraid to make scones.
While I enjoy baking, and am told I bake well, these treats are something I have put off making for a long time.
It may be because the method of making scones is very similar to that of biscuits, and I cannot make a proper biscuit to save my life.
Something about the delicate, light touch when kneading just never seems to work for me . . .
I leave that to the woman who makes the most amazing biscuits, my Mama! (without a recipe, no less.)
Until now I have relied on packaged mixes, and resolved to buy the dry, barely edible scones in coffee shops when the craving arose.
After some inspiration on Instagram, (Hi woodshedcoffee !) I took the plunge, armed with a recipe from a very reliable source. ( Orangette )
Two days in a row I have made scones successfully!
I added dried cranberries and orange zest to the first batch and they were delicious!
We enjoyed them with friends whilst sitting in the backyard sipping homemade lemonade.
Next, I ventured into "murky territory" and made a batch of blueberry lemon.
The dough was definitely stickier. You must have an even lighter touch when using frozen berries.
This batch was even better the second day! Moist and delicious! I think I will add a little turbinado to the top after glazing next time.
And there will most definitely be a "next time."
I see this recipe being committed to memory, just like my pizza dough and chocolate chip cookies!
And I will always be sure to have 4 tablespoons of cubed, chilled butter on hand. . . :)

1 comment:

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