happy list // 04.16.2012

{ blog } happy list 12_04_16
1. a sweet, thoughtful gift from My Girl, bought with her own money. 2. fun afternoons outdoors. Sissy made Baby Boy an "armchair" in the sandbox one day. :) 3. lunch prepared mostly by My Girl. She is becoming quite a good little sous chef, preferring to chop veggies with the big knives! 4. My Love put up another trellis (we only had one last year) for our cucumbers to grow up! 5. new pens! I'm a sucker for a good pen. I remember my Dad being the same way when I was growing up. He had certain pens we knew not to lose. A fond memory. ;) These Sharpie pens are fun, but I still LOVE my Staedtler triplus fineliners more! 6. naps! (a two hour one on this particular day) ahhh . . . 7. my hammock chair actually hanging in A TREE! So wonderful! 8. hummingbirds coming to visit each evening! I just happened to have my camera right beside me when this one visited! It was too fast to get any better shots though!

You can see all my past Happy Lists HERE


  1. great happy list. glad to see you being pampered a wee bit. x

  2. love the hammock in a tree ! love the second trellis ! i tried cucumbers this year. they weren't great. will try a different variety. what kind do you grow ? love the pens ! i'm a sucker for a good pen !!


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