We survived Chuck E. Cheese!

Yesterday was Gwyneth's birthday party! Before that we had her soccer game from 11am-12pm. Right after that I dropped her and her daddy off at home and went out to get the last minute items for her cake and everything. I had already baked her cake the day before, but didn't have all the ingredients for the icing. I wanted to make yummy buttercream icing and go all out decorating her star cake! I was finally done shopping and arrived home at 1:50! I mixed, died and piped icing in a record breaking 30 minutes! ha! After writing "Happy Birthday Gwyeth" I looked at it proudly, but with a little hesitance...I couldn't put my finger on just what was wrong with it, so I shrugged it off...David brought it to my attention later as he was about to light the candles, that I omitted the N in her name!!! I knew something was wrong. Fortunately I had saved the piping bags with icing in the fridge and pulled it out and doctored it up! In most of the pictures her name is spelled correctly!
We went to Chuck E. Cheese around 3pm. It was packed, as we expected on a Saturday. We ate pizza again. (We had pizza the night before at Dad R. like we do every Friday.) Gwyneth and the girls all got to split 130 tokens between them. They had a blast! Gwyneth had never been there before, and loved every minute of it!
After dinner we came back here to our house and had the cake and presents, and silly string. (Another first for Gwyneth.)
When all that was over with the girls went to play in Gwyneth's room with all her toys she received, while us adults remained in the kitchen and play a game of "Golf." (Cards)
I have a ton of pictures, of course, but will only put a few on here!
Her name misspelled

I fixed it!

She's sad that the wind blew her candles out and not her, so we lit them again!

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny about the cake! :) It looked great though!! Gwyneth is too cute... and she looks like she enjoyed the silly string. I can't believe it was her first trip to Chuck E. Cheese! How did you manage to put that off for 5 years! Haha! :)


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