
So...rather than post a long boring list of the things that have occupied our time lately, I'll let the photos do the talking..

We've had record breaking highs here lately. 101 on Monday! Mid-April! Ridiculous! But Gwyneth is loving it!

(She has since gotten a new, not so small bathing suit! I couldn't resist snapping the wedgie shot!)

Everything is turning nice a green around here, including Gwyneth's thumb...She LOVES to dig in the dirt and pretend she is planting flowers. We did plant a few seeds last week...not sure if they will sprout.

Just some cute shots of her in the tub before she gets too old!

Gwyneth got a Toys R Us gift card from her Uncle Alan and Aunt Sherri and the boys for her birthday. She bought two new games. Crocodile Dentist is cute, and Hands Down I convinced her was the best game ever! I remember LOVING that game when I was younger. Rachel and I used to play it and just get really silly..."slap happy" silly! FUN, FUN memories!

Pancakes and bacon on a Saturday morning...mmm...Gwyneth got the biggest pancake. It covered her entire plate. She loves that! Of course she couldn't finish it!

And of course egg dyeing pictures...We did not do traditional Easter stuff this year. We went to church that morning and then to Six Flags! ha! We got in free with David's sister and family since they could bring friends for free on Easter Sunday! It was a lot of fun! We didn't dye and decorate eggs until last night. A little late but still very enjoyable for Gwyneth! I can not believe how crafty this girl is! She loves arts and crafts!


  1. Cute pictures! :) I love the wedgie shot. I'm sure Gwyneth will thank you for that when she's older. 101?!?!? I thought 74 was hot for April... although I guess I am in Idaho, not Texas. :)

  2. Wow, you've been busy, and holy moly 101!?!??!?!?! I just lost about 5 pounds of water weight just THINKING about those temps! Yikes... well, hee hee... won't have to worry about that as much in Fairbanks, lol... Fantastic photos Khrista!


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