Sleep Day

David had to work a 24 hour shift yesterday, so when he arrived this morning at 7am he just crashed. Gwyneth had slept with me last night, but when David got home I put her in her bed. David and I slept a few minutes before she came walking back in. So all three of us were squeezed into out tiny queen sized bed. I could only sleep a little longer like that before I had to get up! My back was killing me! ha! Gwyneth remained sleeping in there until about 9:45. I was able to sneak a photo of them sleeping together. So sweet!
So today David will sleep until 1 or 2pm, and then Gwyneth has her last soccer practice for the Spring season tonight. After that we are heading over to Dad R.'s to grill out. Dad's brother and wife are in town for a couple days, so we're going to visit.
This week has been pretty nice, laid back. On Tuesday I picked up Laura's girls and took them to the art museum in town. We didn't actually visit the museum, just the grounds. It's beautiful there. Laura's oldest daughter had some photography assignments to work on and I wanted to take some portraits! Laura's middle daughter was about the most cooperative. She was so patient. She's really pretty and photographs really well! I got quite a few of her that I really liked. (Out of respect for her mother's wish that I not post any pictures of her girls on the internet, I regret I cannot share here.) I also got some great ones with Gwyneth and her younger cousin. So sweet, and really special now that we know we won't always be living near them! Gwyneth had bought a set of two lockets last month. One says "Best" and the other says "Friends." She bought them with her own spending money, and gave one to her cousin. I took a photo Tuesday that I think will fit nicely in the lockets.
Tuesday night, I got to watch my photographer friend Steve Slate, ( take some senior portraits in his home studio. Great stuff! He sets all his stuff up in a room in his home, and shoots away! If you check out his website, on the seniors page, I watched as he photographed the girl named Angela. She has blonde hair and brown eyes, and a beautiful pink dress on and is holding a pink Gerber daisy. I believe the best way to learn studio lighting is hands on...seeing with your own two eyes how it works. It really is not as complicated as I had made it in my mind. I'd love to invest in lighting equipment, but can only justify that if I am going to jump in with both feet and establish a business! We'll see...

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