Found a few I can share!

I went through the photos from Tuesday and found a few I could post here...The lily pads were in full bloom! Gorgeous! And of course two of Gwyneth. I thought this one was cute, even if I did stage it! :o)

"Psst! You forgot your shirt!" (hee, hee)

Sleep Day

David had to work a 24 hour shift yesterday, so when he arrived this morning at 7am he just crashed. Gwyneth had slept with me last night, but when David got home I put her in her bed. David and I slept a few minutes before she came walking back in. So all three of us were squeezed into out tiny queen sized bed. I could only sleep a little longer like that before I had to get up! My back was killing me! ha! Gwyneth remained sleeping in there until about 9:45. I was able to sneak a photo of them sleeping together. So sweet!
So today David will sleep until 1 or 2pm, and then Gwyneth has her last soccer practice for the Spring season tonight. After that we are heading over to Dad R.'s to grill out. Dad's brother and wife are in town for a couple days, so we're going to visit.
This week has been pretty nice, laid back. On Tuesday I picked up Laura's girls and took them to the art museum in town. We didn't actually visit the museum, just the grounds. It's beautiful there. Laura's oldest daughter had some photography assignments to work on and I wanted to take some portraits! Laura's middle daughter was about the most cooperative. She was so patient. She's really pretty and photographs really well! I got quite a few of her that I really liked. (Out of respect for her mother's wish that I not post any pictures of her girls on the internet, I regret I cannot share here.) I also got some great ones with Gwyneth and her younger cousin. So sweet, and really special now that we know we won't always be living near them! Gwyneth had bought a set of two lockets last month. One says "Best" and the other says "Friends." She bought them with her own spending money, and gave one to her cousin. I took a photo Tuesday that I think will fit nicely in the lockets.
Tuesday night, I got to watch my photographer friend Steve Slate, ( take some senior portraits in his home studio. Great stuff! He sets all his stuff up in a room in his home, and shoots away! If you check out his website, on the seniors page, I watched as he photographed the girl named Angela. She has blonde hair and brown eyes, and a beautiful pink dress on and is holding a pink Gerber daisy. I believe the best way to learn studio lighting is hands on...seeing with your own two eyes how it works. It really is not as complicated as I had made it in my mind. I'd love to invest in lighting equipment, but can only justify that if I am going to jump in with both feet and establish a business! We'll see...

Playdoh Creation

Just a couple pictures to show just how creative Gwyneth can be! She pulled out the Playdoh yesterday and this is what she created:
"The Circus Train"

And these are just a couple snapshots of Gwyneth watching Daddy play his hunting game on Playstation. The second image she is making a gesture for a deer I think. So cute! She loves to sit and watch her daddy play his games. I wasn't too sure about the hunting game...I thought it might bother her that he is hunting cute little deer. Not so...there is a part where you can fish also. I encourage David to play that more when she is watching.


So...rather than post a long boring list of the things that have occupied our time lately, I'll let the photos do the talking..

We've had record breaking highs here lately. 101 on Monday! Mid-April! Ridiculous! But Gwyneth is loving it!

(She has since gotten a new, not so small bathing suit! I couldn't resist snapping the wedgie shot!)

Everything is turning nice a green around here, including Gwyneth's thumb...She LOVES to dig in the dirt and pretend she is planting flowers. We did plant a few seeds last week...not sure if they will sprout.

Just some cute shots of her in the tub before she gets too old!

Gwyneth got a Toys R Us gift card from her Uncle Alan and Aunt Sherri and the boys for her birthday. She bought two new games. Crocodile Dentist is cute, and Hands Down I convinced her was the best game ever! I remember LOVING that game when I was younger. Rachel and I used to play it and just get really silly..."slap happy" silly! FUN, FUN memories!

Pancakes and bacon on a Saturday morning...mmm...Gwyneth got the biggest pancake. It covered her entire plate. She loves that! Of course she couldn't finish it!

And of course egg dyeing pictures...We did not do traditional Easter stuff this year. We went to church that morning and then to Six Flags! ha! We got in free with David's sister and family since they could bring friends for free on Easter Sunday! It was a lot of fun! We didn't dye and decorate eggs until last night. A little late but still very enjoyable for Gwyneth! I can not believe how crafty this girl is! She loves arts and crafts!


is this...
my lunch's the simple things sometimes that really make me happy! (By the way...this is "sissy sushi". Inari. The only kind I will eat! You won't find any raw fish or seaweed here! ha!)
Anyways...I have not fallen off the planet! Just busy. Lately I am challenging myself to find other things to accomplish when I want to sit at the computer and veg...I have actually been accomplishing a lot lately. My house it clean from top to bottom, laundry is caught up, and I have organized a few rooms. Spring cleaning itch...
I have a ton of photos to post, but no time now. Hopefully later!

forgot to add...

Our weekend did have a few activities! On Saturday I went to the gym before My Girl's soccer game. Then her game was at noon. We were fortunate that it was actually cool at that time. The previous week it was really hot and I got a little sunburned. After soccer we went and purchased another pool for My Girl. Her old one sprung a leak and had to go in the trash. She got to play in it a little while. Then I went to hang out with a local photographer from our church. Here's his website:
If you look at his seniors page I was there while he was photographing "Adam" The picture with the Bible and the soccer ones just beneath. Steve has been so generous in letting me "hang out" while he works. If you remember, I tagged along to a wedding he did back in December. He has told me I can tag along any time! He is doing a bridal portrait session on Tuesday and has said I may come along. I'm really excited about this! This guy is so knowledgeable! I learn something new every time I hang out with him! My Love and My Girl hung out at Pop -Pop's house (even though he is out-of-town) to watch some cable t.v. Acutally they recorded a bunch of cartoons onto a tape, for our trip to Alaska. My Love said they also played one game of Monopoly the entire time they were there. My Girl is hooked since we taught her last week. In the last month she has learned how to play that and Yahtzee
On Sunday we traveled approx. 120 miles round trip to visit Cabela's . My Love has been dying to go! He wanted to check out their cold weather gear in prep. for Alaska, and of course we had to go through the entire store! Even the boat section, and we don't have a boat! Anyways, not too interesting me, but I endured it because I love him! ha! My Girl actually likes looking at all the fishing items and such. They had a rifle target game area. And a whole section called "Big Game Country" where they have all these stuffed deer, rams, and other animals. And in the center of the store they have other animals such as black, brown, and grizzly bears, and moose, caribou, and polar bears! Very interesting. We told My Girl which animals are common to Alaska!
So that wraps up our weekend. Hope you all had an excellent one!

Just some pretty flowers...

Nothing much to talk about, so I thought I'd share some recent photos of the beautiful pear and peach blossoms I had a chance to photograph before they turned to leaves. And also one of my petunias that I can see from my kitchen sink! I love spring!
*You can view a few more on my photography site. Link to the left.*

We're moving to Alaska!

David is in the military for five more years! We are to report to Alaska in November! We are so excited! We have heard only good things about Alaska! Everyone who has been there loved it! We will be living in the second largest city, where winter temperatures average between 8 degrees to -19 degrees! We are excited to experience all the wildlife, outdoor adventures, SNOW, and the Northern Lights!
Here are some photos of David's re-enlistment:

We survived Chuck E. Cheese!

Yesterday was Gwyneth's birthday party! Before that we had her soccer game from 11am-12pm. Right after that I dropped her and her daddy off at home and went out to get the last minute items for her cake and everything. I had already baked her cake the day before, but didn't have all the ingredients for the icing. I wanted to make yummy buttercream icing and go all out decorating her star cake! I was finally done shopping and arrived home at 1:50! I mixed, died and piped icing in a record breaking 30 minutes! ha! After writing "Happy Birthday Gwyeth" I looked at it proudly, but with a little hesitance...I couldn't put my finger on just what was wrong with it, so I shrugged it off...David brought it to my attention later as he was about to light the candles, that I omitted the N in her name!!! I knew something was wrong. Fortunately I had saved the piping bags with icing in the fridge and pulled it out and doctored it up! In most of the pictures her name is spelled correctly!
We went to Chuck E. Cheese around 3pm. It was packed, as we expected on a Saturday. We ate pizza again. (We had pizza the night before at Dad R. like we do every Friday.) Gwyneth and the girls all got to split 130 tokens between them. They had a blast! Gwyneth had never been there before, and loved every minute of it!
After dinner we came back here to our house and had the cake and presents, and silly string. (Another first for Gwyneth.)
When all that was over with the girls went to play in Gwyneth's room with all her toys she received, while us adults remained in the kitchen and play a game of "Golf." (Cards)
I have a ton of pictures, of course, but will only put a few on here!
Her name misspelled

I fixed it!

She's sad that the wind blew her candles out and not her, so we lit them again!

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