She's FIVE! And proud of it!

I took some pictures yesterday to commemorate Gwyneth's five years in our lives! She wasn't the most cooperative...wanted to be silly...but I got a few I really loved! Also sharing some pictures of her actual birthday. She had a very good day...she told us over and over how great it was.

She received many phone calls from relatives, wishing her a happy day. Her cousin Nate called her and she also talked to Auntie Rachel, Daddy and Auntie Angie. She also received an e-card from her friend Sabryna!
Daddy came home after work bearing a Mylar balloon(it was her first ever! she asks me for one every time we go to Walmart, but I can never bring myself to pay close to $5 for a balloon!), and daisies he picked up on his way home! The look on her face was priceless! She was so surprised and felt very special! She kept telling me "That was so nice of Daddy to give me a balloon and flowers!" She has been carrying that balloon everywhere since! Later after dinner we had a little chocolate-chip cookie cake complete with five candles.
She is very excited about going to Chuck E. Cheese this weekend. We're hoping everyone is feeling good enough to join us. The flu has hit her cousin's house so we're hoping they feel much better this coming weekend.

*All images can be viewed larger when you click them*


  1. Too cute! Making a scrapbook page with those pictures will be so much fun!! :) I can't believe she's five already!

  2. looks perfect mommy! complete with doylee (spelling?) it is so special when parents put so much into their kids...especially to make their birthday perfect! Great job Daddy thinking of the flowers and baloon! And Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!



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