By Golly! I Scrapbooked!!!

I actually finished up a scrapbook page today that I started last week! I haven't scrapbooked in forever! It's kind of taken the back burner to photography! I had fun with this one! I like using the computer for my journaling because it is so much neater than my handwriting, but I still like to add little touches of my handwriting for sentimental reasons. For instance, every once in a while I will come across something that David's mother hand wrote, and just stare at it, remembering her...I love getting personal handwritten notes in the mail. I love the familiar strokes of my mom's handwriting...instantly recognizable in my mail box...or even David's sweet, sweet, adoptive mom Alice who never misses a birthday or anniversary...She doesn't usually put her return address on the notes she sends but I KNOW it's from her when I see her beautiful script!
So today I give you "G." A play on the word Gymnastics and Gwyneth's name!


  1. aaaaahhhhhhhh... you are making me feel like I should do some scrapbooking also... I am so far behind! And I don't even have kids yet! :) Robert's mom gave me a bunch of old picture of him, so I would love to do a book for him someday. Cute page!

  2. awww. So glad that you scrapbooked! Miss seeing your pages!

  3. Great page. you have an eye for coordnating colors! and of course Gwyneth is so precious!


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