She's FIVE! And proud of it!

I took some pictures yesterday to commemorate Gwyneth's five years in our lives! She wasn't the most cooperative...wanted to be silly...but I got a few I really loved! Also sharing some pictures of her actual birthday. She had a very good day...she told us over and over how great it was.

She received many phone calls from relatives, wishing her a happy day. Her cousin Nate called her and she also talked to Auntie Rachel, Daddy and Auntie Angie. She also received an e-card from her friend Sabryna!
Daddy came home after work bearing a Mylar balloon(it was her first ever! she asks me for one every time we go to Walmart, but I can never bring myself to pay close to $5 for a balloon!), and daisies he picked up on his way home! The look on her face was priceless! She was so surprised and felt very special! She kept telling me "That was so nice of Daddy to give me a balloon and flowers!" She has been carrying that balloon everywhere since! Later after dinner we had a little chocolate-chip cookie cake complete with five candles.
She is very excited about going to Chuck E. Cheese this weekend. We're hoping everyone is feeling good enough to join us. The flu has hit her cousin's house so we're hoping they feel much better this coming weekend.

*All images can be viewed larger when you click them*

Excited to tell...

Curves works!
I joined Curves in January because I was so tired of being tired and out of shape! I wanted more energy and to firm up some areas that have bugged me a little. Mostly I joined because I want to be healthy! God only gives you one body! You better take care of it! So the first month I didn't really see any results...that's fine...I felt better! But this month...there's a visible difference!
Check it out:

Awesome Weekend!

Our weekend was great! How was yours?
Friday night was Pizza Night. It was kind of a mellow night for all of us. Dad R. was in a lot of pain with his back. David and I were really tired, and Gwyneth's cousin couldn't come over like usual because she was sick. So we were actually home by 10pm! We didn't even play a game of Golf like we usually do! It was still nice to spend time with the family and eat yummy Papa John's pizza! I think we're stuck on Papa John's. Last week David and I ordered Pizza Hut on a nasty! ugh!
I got a Birthday card from my Dad and Mom that afternoon with some birthday money in it! I went to Family Christian store and immediately spent it on two CD's I've been wanting! Plumb: Chaotic Resolve and Kutless: Hearts of the Innocent.

Saturday Gwyneth had a 9am soccer game! So we had to be up and out of here pretty early. I got up around 7am, and made my tea. I sat on the couch for a good half hour drinking my tea and listening to my iPod. I LOVE my new CD's! The new Plumb CD has some amazing songs! I've been a fan since 1997 when my mom bought me the first CD. She has an incredible voice! There was one song in particular that really hit home with me that morning. It's titled Bittersweet. It's a song about forgiveness... To be honest, I have been really grappling with forgiveness lately. Some old hurts recently resurfaced... I am the type of person that is hurt fairly easily. But often times I will just ignore it, and it will grow and eat at me like cancer, until it finally bubbles to the surface and spews out! (Not pretty!) I have felt God working in this area of my life's been kind of a slow process...but I can confidently say that I believe I have let go of the hurts I have been holding inside! It's so liberating, to just let go! Why do we torture ourselves by holding those feelings of resentment and hurt?! The only person we are hurting is ourselves! ...JUST LET GO! I want to share the lyrics to that song:
Good stuff...
We took separate cars to the soccer game because I was dropping my CR-V off for maintenance after the game. I swung by Curves before to work out and made it to Gwyneth's game just before the half. She played really well. I don't think she complained as much this time. Still a little resistant to play. She seems to get worn out pretty easily. It may be that she is a very aggressive player. Focused. I think coach knows that and likes to use her a lot. :o) It's also the first time she's played any competitive sport. We're still getting used to it I guess. This league in particular is a "no competition" league. Their motto is "Have Fun." So none of the teams keep score! But our little stinker keeps a mental score! She keeps up with how many goals her team has scored, and how many the opposing team has! ha!
After the game we all got cleaned up at home, ate lunch together. David vacuumed the entire house and made all the beds! (I love this guy!) Gwyneth and I did our nails. She chose a combination of pink and purple. She's got good taste.

Later we went out shopping. While we were out we got one of my tires plugged. I had a screw in two of them, but only one was leaking. We hit Target, Hobby Lobby, and I got Starbucks! Came home a BBQ'd some chicken on the grill. Then a movie! Pete's Dragon. (Gwyneth's new favorite.) All in all a very nice day, spent together as a family. David and I even cut our computer time to one hour on each weekend day.

Sunday we made it to church, after about three weeks of playing hookie! It's a constant battle to get ourselves up and ready for church every Sunday. We have a plethora of excuses! A couple weeks ago it was because Gwyneth had a cough. And in all actuality, they wouldn't have allowed her in Sunday School with it. And the last two weeks...I can't even remember the excuses.
I had to chuckle as we were all getting ready for church. We have two bathrooms in our house but we all seem to pile into the front one on Sunday morning. It's where all of our hair stuff is, and my makeup. I had to take a picture...(you could see that one coming!)

I got up early again on Sunday and went out in our backyard to take some pictures of our pear blossoms before they are all gone. I got lucky too because just as I was packing up and going back inside, I captured this!

Today my baby turned 5!!! She woke up this morning and asked me "Mommy, am I five today?" I said "Yes, sweetie...Happy Birthday!" We are having her party next weekend at Chuck E. Cheese. (Wish me luck! ha!) Her Pop Pop will be back in town and hopefully all her cousins will be well and able to come! We went out yesterday and got her party supplies. Plates, table cloth, and decorations. We're going to have lunch at Chuck E. Cheese and then come back here for the cake and presents. I couldn't come up with a definite date to reserve for a party there, so we'll do lunch and games there and then the rest here.
We're going to make a chocolate chip cookie cake later, for tonight when her daddy is home. I can't believe my baby is FIVE!

Nothing to post about today. Just wanted to share a few photos from this weekend. We had a really overcast day on Sunday. Great for pictures! Gwyneth didn't really want me taking any, but I got a few cute ones.

Great Jokes and Quotes...

Because I can't post without a picture here's a random one that I hope makes you smile!

My husband, being unhappy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be able to monitor my moods. We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it turns green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a big red mark on his forehead. Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond!

Reader’s Digest; March 2006 Article: “Answered! Life’s 25 Toughest Questions”
Q. Does the toast always fall buttered-side down?
A dropped piece of toast never lands on it’s edge; stomping your foot and yelling “Darn” does not change a thing; and the floor of the test kitchen, where they found the toast never lands on it’s edge, is not as clean as we’d like. Life’s like that. Never as neat as we’d like it to be. But keep buttering your toast. And savor each slice you have been given.

Another cute photo:

The Mixed Up Fairy

My Birthday

*Edited to say:*

I posted this earlier and thought the hyperlinks I added would be a different color, but they weren't...they are now fixed!

I had a really AWESOME birthday Saturday! 26 years old! We met David's sister and her family and Dad at Olive Garden for an early dinner. We all had fantastic food and conversation. The kids, I should say my kid, behaved famously! Probably because she had her cousins there to play with! Of course she only ate breadsticks and croutons! ha!
After dinner we went back over to Dad's house. We played our favorite card game Golf. We had a yummy chocolate-chocolate cake, and some of us tried Tres Leches cake for the first time. Very interesting, VERY moist cake! Before we left to come back home for the night I opened gifts. Now, gifts by themselves surprised me, but as I was opening them I realized that David shared my birthday list I made for him! ha! David's sister and family gave me two photography books I have had on my list for months! Portrait Photographer's Handbook, and The Portrait Photographer's Guide To Posing, both by Bill Hurter. FILLED with award winning photographs and great information! David gave me this ! He bought it with money he has been hoarding from birthdays, his "fun money"(He and I get "fun money" every payday to spend without any questions on WHATEVER we want. It doesn't affect the "family money")
I thought it was so sweet that he put a big dent in his money for me! And it's been on my list for over a year! No more running to get in the family photo anymore!
Last but certainly not least, I unwrap my present from Dad R......and found this beneath the tissue paper! It's white, cute, small, and sounds glorious! I am amazed at the quality of sound from this little miracle! What will they think of next?! Gwyneth enjoyed using it yesterday while she waited for me at the dentist! She was so well behaved and sat still, thanks to this little music machine! I had loaded some Veggie Tales songs to it that morning. She also listened to it all the way to Starbucks afterwards and while we were in line. She got a few stares from women whom I'm wondering now if they thought she was the most spoiled 5 year old around! Heavens no!
Anyways...My birthday ranked as one of the best this year. I'm so fortunate to have the family that I do, and I appreciate their efforts to make me feel special for the day!

As I was typing this...I saw this from my seat!.... She had jumped from the arm of the couch onto her bean bag chairs below! It's amazing some children live to adulthood! Crazy girl...even crazier momma, as I had her do it again for me to take a few pictures! I told her that she was not allowed to do it again unless I gave her permission (not gonna happen.) Here are a couple more:

just because...

i haven't posted in a couple days...
Not much going on here...
<---I did update the photo blog. Gwyneth has a cough. Had a low grade temperture yesterday. None today though. She has her second soccer game tomorrow. And pictures! We're going to get a team picture only, since I will do her individual shot myself. Laundry today. Already finished all the bedding, so the beds are nice and freshly made. Gwyneth and I are making our weekly trip to the library later. The only reason we go every week is because you can only borrow their DVD's for 7 days. I'm totally hooked on Alias! I'm on volume 2 of season 1. Really good show! I'm on the edge of me seat the entire hour! ha!
Here's some random photos from this week. Gwyneth has actually been allowing me to take pictures this week! Even making suggestions on props and scenes! She's so funny!

By Golly! I Scrapbooked!!!

I actually finished up a scrapbook page today that I started last week! I haven't scrapbooked in forever! It's kind of taken the back burner to photography! I had fun with this one! I like using the computer for my journaling because it is so much neater than my handwriting, but I still like to add little touches of my handwriting for sentimental reasons. For instance, every once in a while I will come across something that David's mother hand wrote, and just stare at it, remembering her...I love getting personal handwritten notes in the mail. I love the familiar strokes of my mom's handwriting...instantly recognizable in my mail box...or even David's sweet, sweet, adoptive mom Alice who never misses a birthday or anniversary...She doesn't usually put her return address on the notes she sends but I KNOW it's from her when I see her beautiful script!
So today I give you "G." A play on the word Gymnastics and Gwyneth's name!

More soccer pictures...

I made a little slideshow of some of the best photos from yesterday's game...You can find it here:
(Turn your speakers up, there is a little background music!)
Just a restful Sunday here... Since after church we've pretty much just hung out together, David and Gwyneth are working on her pine car for the AWANA Grand Prix coming up on the 25th. The AWANA clubbers purchase a pine wood car for $1 and modify it with paint, decorations and such. Then they all race against their age group. David is loving creating her car with her. She chose to make her wood block to look like a VW Van. Should be pretty cool. I have taken some photos of the progress and will post some photos when it is finished!

Here are two photos I asked David to take today. I hate that I am not in many pictures with Gwyneth. I plan to plop the camera in David's hands more often...
Take care!


Gwyneth had her first soccer game today! It was so exciting! She had a blast! And I had a chance to take LOTS of photos! She is quite good at soccer! Full of energy and really knows how to control the ball. Here are two images from today. I haven't had any time to got through the rest, but rest assured I will post more when I have some time!

This was taken right after she had scored a goal! SO EXCITED!
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