Dance With Me

Two weeks ago after gymnastics Gwyneth asked me: "Mommy when will I be done with gymnastics?" I said "Sweetie, what do you mean 'Done with gymnastics?'" She said "I mean, when will I be done with gymnastics and be able to do something else, like ballet?" I proceeded to tell her that we had just paid for the next 9 weeks and that she would have to finish those out if she wanted to switch to ballet. She was pretty sad about that, and after a long conversation on our drive home I convinced her that we would learn ballet at home for the time being. I had heard about this program called "Bella Dancerella." So yesterday we went looking for it at Target. They were out, but had an Angelina Bellerina version that was $10 cheaper. We opted for that one and found out that evening that it is really cute! It came complete with a leotard, tutu, slippers, tiara, and short instructional DVD with a real ballerina and Angelina! Too cute! And it was a workout! whew! Posted by Picasa


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