Christmas Vacation in Pictures

I thought I'd utilize the blog this week to post photos from our Christmas trip. New photos every day. (Unless something comes up.) I would have posted some yesterday. I actually had it all typed up, and the photos attached and then blogger gave me an error message. After numerous attempts to fix it, and an email to tech support I gave up. I'm going to try again today...

We had such a great time in Virginia. I took over 320 photos! I took tons of Rachel's adorable bunch! I'm going to start today with Arianna. Rachel's youngest. She is so cute, and easy going! She doesn't talk much yet, but sure can captivate your heart! She has an obsession with cleaning! (I wonder who she takes after??) So for Christmas My Girl and I found this adorable cleaning kit! It came complete with a vacuum, dust buster, mop and bucket, broom, sponge and basin! She loved it!
Isn't she darling! I made the suggestion of pigtails! I believe Rachel didn't think she had enough hair yet. But after my suggestion she bought little ouch-free rubber bands and viola!
Oh, the spaghetti on Anna's face is my dad's famous spaghetti and meatballs! He got the recipe from his mom, and makes it every time I am in town. It's a family favorite!


  1. Khrista...these pictures are ADORABLE!! they came out so so nice!I printed off some of them to put in her room! We also had a GREAT time with you guys! We miss you so much already. can't wait to see you again.

  2. I'm glad your blog seems to be working again... I was so disappointed yesterday! :) Your niece is adorable! Great pictures!


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