Post Full 'O Gwyneth

Not much to talk about today, just thought I'd post a few outtake photos of Gwyneth. One is from the other day when I did her preschool photo, and the other two are from yesterday. She told me "I had a wedgie!" The good ones I got are posted on the photography blog (link to the left) Have a great day!

New Photos

<--- Couple of new photos on the photography blog. I'm trying to update that one more often...

Our Talented Artist

Here is today's creation by Gwyneth. Shocked the pants off me! She sat there for a good hour drawing in detail this little doggie!
Quite good if I do say so myself!
I finally got a preschool picture done of Gwyneth. I wanted a traditional picture. I'm getting prints today for Pop-Pop's wall and plan to get more printed this week for my mom and all the rest of the family.
Also changed the color scheme on here for Valentine's Day...David said it was a lot of pink...Ü
Have a great Sunday!


This morning I got up before anyone else and went to Curves, then came home and popped the home-made cinnamon rolls I had prepared yesterday in the oven. Gwyneth and David both woke up shortly after I returned from the gym. Gwyneth enjoyed her Saturday morning cartoons, and I've been surfing photography sites! It's a dreary, rainy I guess we'll spend most of our time today indoors. Maybe watch a movie together.
Hope you all are having a good weekend!

photos taken by Gwyneth yesterday...

(we took the point & shoot camera back...I am really picky now with photographs and we couldn't seem to get very decent images with Gwyneth took these with my 20D.)

Gwyneth gladly obliged mommy this morning! I wanted to practice sharp focus, and experiment with color in Photoshop. I know everyone probably believes this child lives in a perpetual state of bed head, but I swear I do her hair everyday! I just happen to snap most of the photos in the morning before her bath! Ha!

Leave Room For God

Reading from "My Utmost For His Highest" this morning...

"...give God "elbow room." We plan and figure and predict that this or that will happen, but we forget to make room for God to come in as He chooses...Do not look for God to come in a praticular way, but do look for Him...
Keep your life so constantly in touch with God that His surprising power can break through at any point. Live in a constant state of expectancy, and leave room for God to come in as He decides."
GO STEELERS! They are going to the SuperBowl!!! My Dad is pretty happy right now! I watched the game with David and his Dad this weekend.
We went over to Dad R.'s house on Sunday to have a Birthday celebration for David and his sister. I made White Enchiladas and a carrot cake for David and a pineapple upside down cake for his sister. We watched both games and played a round of "Golf." A new card game Dad recently taught us. We play every time we're over there. David won. AGAIN! Two in a row! It really is fun, I just have to keep my competitiveness in check!
Today is David's actual Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!
Gwyneth had gymnastics today and her teacher said she did really well. Gwyneth has gotten so hard on herself lately. When she can't do one of the moves such as a handstand or cartwheel, she gets discouraged and gets an attitude. I talked to her teacher about it, and asked if she had any advice, (she's not only her gymnastics teacher, but supermom too, SIX kids! whew!) she said that Gwyneth's determination and drive are good, as long as she learns to channel it in a healthy manner. That comes with time. I gave Gwyneth a pep talk in the car on the way home. I told her that she didn't have to be so hard on herself. She could just keep trying. She wasn't going to get everything perfect the first, time...that comes with practice. I shared my experience with piano. I also told her that in about a year if she wanted to she could start competing in gymnastics and join a team! She was really excited about that! I told her that they race the other team and do their moves really well, and win ribbons and even trophies. She thought that was really cool. That's still about a year off though. I talked to the lady in the office and she said they start competing as early as 6 years old. It means more practice times and a lot more work, but we have a year to see if Gwyneth is really heading that direction. It would be cool! I would love for her to concentrate on one sport and really enjoy it. I really loved piano. I think I might have loved gymnastics too...but it benefits you to start real early on that one.
We did sign her up for Spring soccer! She's really excited about that!
Well...I've rambled long is a picture of David and his cake, Gwyneth making his birthday card, and a collage I made and framed for David's desk at work. Ciao!

Childhood Lesson #65

Mommy will always find my "hidden" pieces of quesadilla, if my hiding spot is under the table...

Today Gwyneth and I sat down to eat lunch together. She enthusiastically said "I will finish all my quesadilla today!" We proceeded to have a pleasant lunch and she did in fact finish all of her quesadilla...or so I thought...

Afterward as I was wiping the table I noticed a pile of quesadilla pieces under the table! I was fuming at first, then regained my composure and brought her back to the dining room.

After a little questioning Gwyneth admitted that she had hid the quesadilla pieces so she wouldn't have to eat it all.

So...her computer time was taken away for the day. She was pretty upset...not sure if it was remorse for being sneaky, or because she couldn't play on the computer. :o)

(is it mean of me to take a picture of her cleaning her mess? ha! I am laughing about it now, and hope she will one day too! )

David surprised me this afternoon with these beautiful flowers. It's been a while since he's done something like that. Such a sweetie!

i did it!

I finally joined Curves! My mom and sister Rachel have been members since October and have raved about it since! My mom has lost a lot of weight and has been able to keep it off! She is much healthier now, and looks great! I had been wanting to get on some sort of fitness routine for months. I kept failing at working it into my schedule and being committed to it! So I joined! Now I'm paying to work out somewhere, so now I feel like I have to go. But I love it! It's such a different approach to fitness, and it's women only! I'm glad I am doing something for my health!

In other news, birthdays are coming around! David and his sister celebrate next week. We plan to have a combined party for them this weekend. I'm making the cakes and dinner.

Tonight is Pizza Night! Mmmm... I love Fridays!
(photos from December at my mom's annual Christmas Eve "Pizza & Pepsi" night.)
Her hair is getting so long. Yesterday I put her hair up in pigtails. It always looks long in pigtails, but when she took the rubber bands out this morning it looked even longer down. I had to snap a few photos to show you all. Please disregard the bed head. We had a jammie day today, no appointments or errands to why not?

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Well we finally did it! Gwyneth's great grandpa Spradling's old iron bed is at the antique shop, getting fixed up good as new! Gwyneth should have a brand new big girl bed by her birthday! This is something we've been wanting to do for 2 years now! I think Mom R. would be so happy to know that we value something of her father's and are getting it fixed up to keep in the family! Posted by Picasa

Dance With Me

Two weeks ago after gymnastics Gwyneth asked me: "Mommy when will I be done with gymnastics?" I said "Sweetie, what do you mean 'Done with gymnastics?'" She said "I mean, when will I be done with gymnastics and be able to do something else, like ballet?" I proceeded to tell her that we had just paid for the next 9 weeks and that she would have to finish those out if she wanted to switch to ballet. She was pretty sad about that, and after a long conversation on our drive home I convinced her that we would learn ballet at home for the time being. I had heard about this program called "Bella Dancerella." So yesterday we went looking for it at Target. They were out, but had an Angelina Bellerina version that was $10 cheaper. We opted for that one and found out that evening that it is really cute! It came complete with a leotard, tutu, slippers, tiara, and short instructional DVD with a real ballerina and Angelina! Too cute! And it was a workout! whew! Posted by Picasa

big girl seat

I was flipping through the sale papers last night and came across this Graco booster seat for $15. I figured it was time for a big girl seat! Our baby is growing up!!!

Monster Trucks

Well, either I'm getting old or the shows are getting bad. I think the former.

The show last night ran 4 hours long! I was prepared for 2 or 3. Gwyneth and I

tuckered out the last hour and a half! It was entertaining at points, but overall

I think they made the show way too long, especially for a 4 year old! My favorite

part though was the very end, the freestyle part. Gwyneth and I watched this

from a lounge area on the tv screen. All the trucks got a few minutes to show

off. And many including the Grave Digger messed up their bodies.

I enjoyed before the show the most I guess. Olive Garden...mmm...mmm... I

had their Mix Grill (new, excellent!) and tons of salad!

still here...just busy

Hi all! We're still here...just keeping busy. The new year brought new goals and
realizations for me. One of my biggest goals was to spend less time on the
computer. It's hard when I want to play with my photos and browse blogs...but so
far so good. I want to spend more quality time with My Girl as well. So I've been
carving out little time slots through the day to spend just with her. Helping her
with a craft or, like the other day applying temporary tattoos to her arms.
Little stuff that matters big to her. I've only got one shot with her!

This week was spent mostly running errands, bank, post office, birthday
shopping etc.
David's dad celebrated a birthday Thursday.
We took over dinner, his favorite
pork chops and apple sauce, and My Girl and I
made the infamous cherry chocolate
cake. (Yum, yum!)

Today is a big event for Daddy and My Girl. Monster Trucks are in town! It will be
My Girl's first show. I think David and I went to two or three during our dating
years. We love them. It amazes me that I can be entertained by oversized monster
trucks destroying vehicles! It keeps my attention the entire show. David's Dad
had seen it advertised in the newspaper and asked if we wanted to go. David had
already been looking into getting tickets for about a month. Dad said he'd like
to go and he'd pay the way! This will be his first show as well.
David got pit passes and is going to take My Girl to that before the show... Dad
and I weren't interested in making it an all day event so David and My Girl will
return to pick us up for dinner and the show later this evening. That means a
couple hours to myself here and quality Daddy daughter time!
For this event and many others we wished we had a point & shoot camera we purchased this gem. It's our "family camera."
won't have any qualms about My Girl using it or David taking it to misc. events.
It's really cute and compact, and the image quality looks pretty good. Now we'll
never miss a moment!

Nate & Winter Wonderland

Nate...He's so grown up in so many ways. I can't believe it's been almost six years since David and I drove up to Tennessee to see him right after he was born! Such a tiny bundle of expectations! Nate is lively and energetic. He absolutely loves video games! He could go on for hours telling you about a game, complete with sound effects! He's a stinker to photograph. Hence only a few photos. One morning he swiped My Girl's snow hat (I guess he was cold) and started pretending he was on a mission. It was hilarious! Him and his bright colored helmet! hee hee
I'm also including pictures from "Winter Wonderland." Every year at Christmas time where my mom lives we used to visit Coleman's Nursery where they set up this amazing display of Christmas decorations and retro mechanical wooden puppets. It was a maze of lights and music that was so captivating to us kids...Today Coleman's Nursery is no longer there, but apparently they donated their decorations and puppets to downtown. They set it up in the downtown courthouse this year. A whole floor dedicated to Christmas! It was small, but as lovely as I remember it. The kids had a great time looking at all the lights and dancing to the music. (The guys were less humored! see picture...)


Here's Isaiah! He is such a bundle of energy! Love this boy! I love the way he calls me Auntie Ki- Ki. (Jacob used to call me Ki-Ki when he was a toddler and couldn't pronounce my full name, all the kids including my older nephews call me that now.) Isaiah loves trucks and cars, but espesially LOVES big yellow school buses! He's obsessed with them! Onne of his favorite things to do is look at bus pictures on the internet. Here is a picture of one of the times Uncle David and him were looking online together.

Christmas Vacation in Pictures

I thought I'd utilize the blog this week to post photos from our Christmas trip. New photos every day. (Unless something comes up.) I would have posted some yesterday. I actually had it all typed up, and the photos attached and then blogger gave me an error message. After numerous attempts to fix it, and an email to tech support I gave up. I'm going to try again today...

We had such a great time in Virginia. I took over 320 photos! I took tons of Rachel's adorable bunch! I'm going to start today with Arianna. Rachel's youngest. She is so cute, and easy going! She doesn't talk much yet, but sure can captivate your heart! She has an obsession with cleaning! (I wonder who she takes after??) So for Christmas My Girl and I found this adorable cleaning kit! It came complete with a vacuum, dust buster, mop and bucket, broom, sponge and basin! She loved it!
Isn't she darling! I made the suggestion of pigtails! I believe Rachel didn't think she had enough hair yet. But after my suggestion she bought little ouch-free rubber bands and viola!
Oh, the spaghetti on Anna's face is my dad's famous spaghetti and meatballs! He got the recipe from his mom, and makes it every time I am in town. It's a family favorite!

Happy New Year

We were in bed before 11 last night, so we didn't watch the ball drop! Under normal circumstances we would have stayed up late, but I started to feel bad again in the evening and David had to get to bed at a decent time so he could get up and go to work today. yuck. Yes, they made him work today. I guess that's what you get for taking 16 days vacation and getting Christmas off. Oh, well. He will be home for dinner though. Good thing because I am making the traditional dinner. A blend of David's mom and mine. Mom R. used to always make an eye of round roast and serve it with sauerkraut. I guess black eyed peas and cornbread were part of her tradition too, but I don't remember that. My mom always made Hoppin' John on New Years Day. So we're having both! Mmmm... It smells really earthy in the house today with the blackeyed peas slow simmering on the stove. I took a shortcut and made the roast in the crockpot. Mom R. used to make it in a pot on the stove all day. I didn't want to risk burning or overcooking it.
We spent about two hours at Dad R.'s house last night. We had pizza since we missed it Friday due to me feeling bad. Dad taught us a new card game called "Golf." Fun game. No real skill needed. My kind of game. I can't stand the kind of "games" that make you so stressed out you forget you're supposed to be having fun! ha!
I'm off to spend some quality time with My Girl. Take care all!
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