thursday's books

On Friday . . .
Because we just got our computer back from being repaired. Yay!
However, I did visit the library ON Thursday! :)
From the bottom up:
Keep It Seasonal - frequent borrower of this one. There is an AMAZING Curried Lentil, Sweet Potato, and Bacon Soup recipe in here that we LOVE!
Super Natural Every Day - I was excited to find this one at my library to preview it before I buy it. I have had it on my wishlist for a while now!
In The Green Kitchen - Love Alice Waters, and am sure this one will be good.
The Art of Simple Food - another one that I frequently borrow. I will buy it someday! :) Best waffle recipe!
The Inspired Vegan - and yet another one I have borrowed before. Such lovely images in this one. We have made and loved the Black-Eyed Peas in Garlic-Ginger-Braised Mustard Greens, and I am excited to try the Molasses, Miso and Maple-Candied Sweet Potatoes with sweet potatoes from our local farm!
The Taste of the Season - I am all about eating as seasonally as possible, this one looks interesting.
Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant - I have pondered borrowing this one many times, being intrigued by it's title and cover. Looks like an easy read with quick chapters.

thursday's books
Bottom up again:
A bit of Juevenile Fiction.
My Side of the Mountain Trilogy - I read the first one and had no idea it was part of a trilogy! Excited to read the other two books.
Prairie Evers - the front cover grabbed me with it's cute image, and the back cover definitely intrigued me when I read "from day one I did not like school."
keeper - mermaids and talking seagulls?! I might just get sucked into this one!
I am hoping these are worthy of sharing with  my 11 year-old ravenous reader. :)

thursday's books
I was shocked my little community library had any books of this sort!
I have ordered beans from Blue Bottle in the past and loved them!
I have dreams of visiting San Francisco and patronizing this establishment! :)
I will savor this book and it's photographs whilst sipping a homemade latte . . .

My previous post on thursday's books
Bonnie's Thursday's Books posts

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