ten on ten - January 2013

My Girl was up before me and made breakfast! Blueberry pancakes!

In an effort to cut back on my coffee consumption, I chose a warm cup of chai this morning.

and then shortly thereafter had a warm latte. :) Baby steps . . .

a yummy lunch!

A clean kitchen sink! My Love does the majority of the dishes around here, but today I made an effort to have no dishes in the sink when he came home from work!

I went out solo with the kiddos today! We needed just a few items at the grocery store.

Back home with a few items to tide us over until next week, and pretty flowers to brighten the kitchen!

A little snack to munch on as I prepared dinner.

A break to nurse the little babe.

All the babies in bed, time for a little letter writing!

is a fun monthly photo project to document
"life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day" 
and can be found at 
ten on ten button


  1. Hi Khrista,
    I believe I found your blog through Sara Janssen? I think your photography, blog and family are just lovely and inspirational :) Loving your ten on ten!
    Nice to meet you :)

  2. What beautiful kids you have! Looks like a full busy day.

  3. these photos are beautiful - i love the knitted coozie around the cup of tea! fun!

  4. I'm a new reader & I love all the beautiful photos you post!

  5. what a lovely day! i love your flowers & the little scenes you create within your home :)

  6. Love the soft cozy feel of your photographs. Look forward to exploring your blog more esp. the menu planning as right now I am needing some inspiration there. Thanks!


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