
{ blog } Hope A little crafty project this week involving a beautiful mug found on clearance at Target ($2) and a Sharpie marker.
I used the instructions found on Elsie's blog HERE, and I think I like it enough to invest in a porcelain pen to make it even more permanent!
The quote comes from a beautiful poem by Emily Dickinson:

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

- Emily Dickinson

breakfast in bed

{ blog } Breakfast In Bed
{ blog } Breakfast In Bed
Mondays around here typically hit hard and mercilessly.
Today, we seized the day with breakfast in bed!
I invited all of my littles back to bed, to enjoy our breakfast together.
Much giggling ensued, and we started the day in a cheery mood!
What a wonderful way to usher in a new week!
It also happened to be "sheet day" in my laundry routine! ☺
I won't mention the meltdowns that occurred later in the day, from Mama and babies. . . ;)


{ blog } scarves dot net Back in December I participated in a contest hosted by scarves.net . . . and won!
(I hardly ever enter contests, much less win anything!)
I love a good scarf, and have found that they are some of the best nursing cover-ups when out in public.
Little Bébé doesn't seem to mind them either.
I won a $100 gift certificate and just recently placed, and received my order.
Pictured are only 4 of the 5 scarves that I received. These four all matched well for a picture. :)
The 5th scarf, not pictured, is this one.
These are the scarves I ordered:
L to R: Olivia Linen Scarf in Sky Blue, another Olivia Linen Scarf in Creamy Ivory (these ones are a bit stiff to the touch, but soften up with the warmth of your neck as you wear them. I believe with a few washes they will soften up even more.)  Juliet Lace Scarf in Cream (this one is so beautiful!) and the Haven Fringe Scarf in Mustard Yellow (this one is AMAZINGLY soft!).
I am pleased with all of them, and only wish it was a bit cooler here in Texas to allow for more opportunities to wear them!

ten on ten - January 2013

My Girl was up before me and made breakfast! Blueberry pancakes!

In an effort to cut back on my coffee consumption, I chose a warm cup of chai this morning.

and then shortly thereafter had a warm latte. :) Baby steps . . .

a yummy lunch!

A clean kitchen sink! My Love does the majority of the dishes around here, but today I made an effort to have no dishes in the sink when he came home from work!

I went out solo with the kiddos today! We needed just a few items at the grocery store.

Back home with a few items to tide us over until next week, and pretty flowers to brighten the kitchen!

A little snack to munch on as I prepared dinner.

A break to nurse the little babe.

All the babies in bed, time for a little letter writing!

is a fun monthly photo project to document
"life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day" 
and can be found at 
ten on ten button

thursday's books

On Friday . . .
Because we just got our computer back from being repaired. Yay!
However, I did visit the library ON Thursday! :)
From the bottom up:
Keep It Seasonal - frequent borrower of this one. There is an AMAZING Curried Lentil, Sweet Potato, and Bacon Soup recipe in here that we LOVE!
Super Natural Every Day - I was excited to find this one at my library to preview it before I buy it. I have had it on my wishlist for a while now!
In The Green Kitchen - Love Alice Waters, and am sure this one will be good.
The Art of Simple Food - another one that I frequently borrow. I will buy it someday! :) Best waffle recipe!
The Inspired Vegan - and yet another one I have borrowed before. Such lovely images in this one. We have made and loved the Black-Eyed Peas in Garlic-Ginger-Braised Mustard Greens, and I am excited to try the Molasses, Miso and Maple-Candied Sweet Potatoes with sweet potatoes from our local farm!
The Taste of the Season - I am all about eating as seasonally as possible, this one looks interesting.
Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant - I have pondered borrowing this one many times, being intrigued by it's title and cover. Looks like an easy read with quick chapters.

thursday's books
Bottom up again:
A bit of Juevenile Fiction.
My Side of the Mountain Trilogy - I read the first one and had no idea it was part of a trilogy! Excited to read the other two books.
Prairie Evers - the front cover grabbed me with it's cute image, and the back cover definitely intrigued me when I read "from day one I did not like school."
keeper - mermaids and talking seagulls?! I might just get sucked into this one!
I am hoping these are worthy of sharing with  my 11 year-old ravenous reader. :)

thursday's books
I was shocked my little community library had any books of this sort!
I have ordered beans from Blue Bottle in the past and loved them!
I have dreams of visiting San Francisco and patronizing this establishment! :)
I will savor this book and it's photographs whilst sipping a homemade latte . . .

My previous post on thursday's books
Bonnie's Thursday's Books posts

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