ten on ten - December 2012

ten on ten - December 2012
The morning didn't start out so well. Bébé and I both had a meltdown before 10AM. We sat in the nursing chair for quite a while before I decided I would just do what I had to do with a fussy babe.
ten on ten - December 2012
We attempted laundry . . . After 3 separate attempts, it was all folded and put away.
ten on ten - December 2012
We have an abundance of greens from our CSA share, so lunch was a beautiful kale salad for me, grilled cheese for the kiddos. I adapted a recipe in Kris Carr's newest book Crazy Se*y Kitchen. It was so delicious! We also had some yummy green juice with our lunch.
ten on ten - December 2012
Snack time. I finally made a batch of homemade cranberry bliss bars the other day. They turned out to be really good! I froze some today for later snacking. :)
ten on ten - December 2012
A little computer work while Bébé napped in my lap. (She is currently doing just that as I type this!)
ten on ten - December 2012
Today was a good mail day! This sticker I ordered for our van, was tucked in the mailbox, along with two Christmas cards! :)
ten on ten - December 2012
Dinner was a delicious Curried Lentil Soup with Sweet Potatoes and Bacon. (with collards added from our CSA share) The recipe is from the book - Keep It Seasonal by Annie Wayte . . .
ten on ten - December 2012
The view from my bed as I laid down to nurse little Bébé . . .

So glad the day turned around for the better!

is a fun monthly photo project to document
"life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day" 
and can be found at 
ten on ten button

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos! I love your bedding and those cranberry bliss bars look delicious! :)


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