38 Weeks

38 Weeks
Little did we know that exactly one week later our sweet little girl would arrive!
My niece came up to photograph Week 38 for me.
She is an up and coming photographer. I have a particular amount of pride in her, and her work because her parents bought my first film SLR to give to her as she became interested in photography. I remember attending one of her homeschool co-op photography shows, where her photographs, shot with my old camera, were on display! SO proud! :)

...The weather on this particular day was less than desirable for outdoor photos, cloudy and very windy!
I told her not to come, and we would just try for the following weekend!
I am so glad she persisted, because had we postponed, there would never have been these last photos of my belly! :)

38 Weeks
Above is probably my favorite image!
38 Weeks
38 Weeks
38 Weeks
38 Weeks
38 Weeks
I wanted to steal this scarf/sarong from my niece. Yellow+grey=amazingness!
Alas, it went home with her, and now I am on the hunt for something equally awesome to add to my scarf collection!
38 Weeks
38 Weeks
We found a little patch of "field" in suburbia, and the clouds even parted a bit to reveal the blue sky. (obviously by my crazy hair, the wind did not dissipate. ;)
38 Weeks
This photo makes me laugh! I was SO addicted to raw cow's milk throughout my pregnancy. It was actually my go-to snack when insomnia kicked in and I would get so hungry at 2 or 4 AM! That and a banana. ;)


  1. Great photo shoot. The one of you laying on the bed is my favorite too. Your niece is great! She's got a good eye.

  2. Thank you so much Aunt K!
    I loved getting to work with you!
    Love y'all!

  3. These are SO great! My favorite two I think are the second one, you on the bed in B&W, and you laughing. Also love the milk one. But they're all gorgeous! What an awesome talent your niece has. Hope that if we have another I can do better photo documenting of my pregnancy.


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