Salad Box

or Salad Bar... at home ;)
We eat a lot of salad around here...We even have it for dinner sometimes.
I just recently became aware of  a nifty thing called a "Salad Box." 
Previously unaware that there was such a thing, I made something similar last month, but on a smaller scale. It was not all neatly compartmentalized, but it worked great and we ate out of this "box" for a few days.
Enter the Salad Box ...on steroids!
I measured the bottom portion of our refrigerator and set out to find the perfect box.
The one I ended up getting was 23" x 16 1/4" x 6".
(Actually, My Love picked it up for me, he even took a tape measure to ensure he got the right size!)
I had all of the smaller containers in our yard sale pile and rescued them.
Once our budget allows, I'd like to replace them all with glass containers.
I spent a good hour or so yesterday, washing and cutting veg. Rinsing beans, and tomatoes... 
I labeled the tops to make sure we put the "stinky" (onion & broccoli) tops back on the right ones.
Yes, that is an old school DYMO label maker...My fancy one is out of tape, and again, budget constraints prevent me from buying a refill. Ha! Ha! :)
Doesn't hurt that I kinda like the vintage look. :)
This works out great when My Girl turns her nose up at dinner. Last night she just made herself a salad and ate that instead of the yummy meal I prepared. (I pick my battles...)
When we pull this out for dinner tonight, I'll also pull out the pre-washed spinach and slice an avocado or two.
I also have been sprouting some alfalfa sprouts this week that will be ready to eat tonight!
We usually just dress our salad with Extra Virgin Olive oil or Flaxseed oil, lemon juice or vinegar.
Sometimes I get a little fancy and make an herb vinaigrette. 
I think this is going to work out splendidly!


  1. I've been talking about doing this, you've totally inspired me to get on it. Jealous that your fridge width is bigger! Great idea. I also love that it is the 'other' option for dinner for picky eaters.

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm SO doing that!!!!! We eat a lot of salads around here too, but I'm so sick of spending so much time chopping everything each time. I've never heard of this before, but what an AWESOME idea!!!! Thanks K! Off to measure our fridge width ;-)

  3. Curious...are you still using the salad box? Have you changed it in any way? Improved on your first try? Our family has a salad box and it is a great tool for getting more salad into everyone! :)


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