My Love Cooks

Once in a blue moon, My Love cooks...
Today he looked up recipes (keeping in mind we don't eat meat and steer away from most dairy), made a list, shopped, and prepared a most delicious meal of vegetable burritos, plantains, and SANGRIA!
It was really cute to watch him. As soon as he got home from the grocery store (3:30 PM) he wanted to start cooking, he was that excited!
He didn't ask for any help, and took charge in the kitchen. I was surprised he worked in there so comfortably.
I had the privilege of keeping the children from underfoot as he worked away in the kitchen.
Let me tell you that is no easy task with a very energetic almost 2 year old!
By dinnertime, I had declared "I'll take cooking over this any night!" ha! ha! :)
While we waited we played Angry Birds online...
Cars in the tent...
Baby Boy had fun snapping pictures of me! He would laugh this really big belly laugh as each image appeared on the LCD screen. It was really cute...
My Love working away...

The finished result...BEAUTIFUL! (and delicious!)

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