happy list // 08.29.2011

1. road trip craftiness...a chevron friendship bracelet  2. little curls appearing in his hair!!! :)  3. I FOUND MATCHA...mmm...homemade green tea lattes are so yummy! {and economical}  4. the boys...Pop Pop, Daddy, & Baby Boy  5. a lovely lunch at a lovely place  6. perfection found! I love lattes! 7. flowers in a Chemex! too cute!  8. yummy vegan cookies {junk food} these have made an appearance on the happy list before...they're that good!

First {good} Shot

My film for my "new" Polaroid SX-70 (mentioned in this post) arrived today!
After pouring over turorials on how to manipulate my camera to fit this particular film, I took a few shots.
This was my 3rd attempt...and I quite like it.
Scratch that...I LOVE it!
I will need to fiddle a little more with the camera and film to obtain better results, but I'm on my way...and SO excited!

Creative Projects // №. 1 ~ Crayon Canvas

I thought it would be fun to periodically showcase some of our creative projects...
We love arts & crafts, and dabble in various forms such as knitting, sewing, painting, woodworking, etc.!
Pinterest and various blogs I follow serve to feed this inherent desire to create something fun and beautiful!
Recently, my friend Maria posted a fun project on her blog that she did with her two girls. It involved crayons and canvas.
I've seen this project pop up on Pinterest, but after seeing Maria's finished masterpiece, I had to jump on it! :)
We  have a huge jar of crayons.
Many, many boxes of Crayola have been dumped in there along with the various restaurant crayons we acquire.
I had My Girl sort through them and pick out our best crayons for this project.
We picked up an 11"X14" canvas on sale for $4.89, gathered our crayons, hair dryer, and glue gun and set to work.
In hindsight, this would have been a fabulous craft for Winter...not 110 degree weather!
We probably could have set the canvas out in the sun for a while and saved some work! ha! :) 
We lined the crayons up in rainbow order...My Girl had to refresh my memory on the order. ;)
Next we hot glued them onto the canvas, pointed (or some not-so-pointed) ends down.
We ran out of glue sticks mid-way and put in a call to Daddy to stop on his way home from work to get some more! ;)
He's a great guy and came to our rescue!
We ran the hair dryer on HIGH over the crayons.
(We forgot to put newspaper down, but noticed just before we messed up the patio!)
It took quite a while for the crayons to melt.
But the end result was FABULOUS!
It is now proudly displayed between two artworks by My Girl and Baby Boy.
My Girl has said numerous time that she just can't stop staring at it, it's "SO BEAUTIFUL!" :)
I have to agree! Such color!

happy list // 08.23.2011

1. still loving my Birkenstocks...I never wear any other shoes!  2. yummy homemade spring rolls with peanut dipping sauce  3. a "sippy " top for my Kerr jars I love to drink out of! My Love made the opening for the straw for me. ♥ 4. yummy farmer's market goodness, the peaches were divine!  5. evening shadows of the morning glory vine  6. grocery shopping success (and lest you think we don't like treats, that is in fact a box of Capn' Crunch cereal! it's a once-in-a-while treat.)  7. a beautiful "new" Polaroid SX-70 Model 2 circa 1974-1977 My Love took us all out Saturday afternoon with secret intentions of buying it for me. (film is on it's way!) 8. another surprise from My Love! A basket for my bike! Now if it would just cool off enough for me to be able to ride again!

Salad Box

or Salad Bar... at home ;)
We eat a lot of salad around here...We even have it for dinner sometimes.
I just recently became aware of  a nifty thing called a "Salad Box." 
Previously unaware that there was such a thing, I made something similar last month, but on a smaller scale. It was not all neatly compartmentalized, but it worked great and we ate out of this "box" for a few days.
Enter the Salad Box ...on steroids!
I measured the bottom portion of our refrigerator and set out to find the perfect box.
The one I ended up getting was 23" x 16 1/4" x 6".
(Actually, My Love picked it up for me, he even took a tape measure to ensure he got the right size!)
I had all of the smaller containers in our yard sale pile and rescued them.
Once our budget allows, I'd like to replace them all with glass containers.
I spent a good hour or so yesterday, washing and cutting veg. Rinsing beans, and tomatoes... 
I labeled the tops to make sure we put the "stinky" (onion & broccoli) tops back on the right ones.
Yes, that is an old school DYMO label maker...My fancy one is out of tape, and again, budget constraints prevent me from buying a refill. Ha! Ha! :)
Doesn't hurt that I kinda like the vintage look. :)
This works out great when My Girl turns her nose up at dinner. Last night she just made herself a salad and ate that instead of the yummy meal I prepared. (I pick my battles...)
When we pull this out for dinner tonight, I'll also pull out the pre-washed spinach and slice an avocado or two.
I also have been sprouting some alfalfa sprouts this week that will be ready to eat tonight!
We usually just dress our salad with Extra Virgin Olive oil or Flaxseed oil, lemon juice or vinegar.
Sometimes I get a little fancy and make an herb vinaigrette. 
I think this is going to work out splendidly!

happy list // 08.15.2011

1. Baby Boy experiencing a game from back in the day (cookie-in-hand)! My brother (who is now 22 years old had this game when he was little!) 2. friends over to play! a tent indoors since it's too hot to pitch a tent outdoors. 3. working out makes me happy...until two days later when I feel & move like an old lady! 4. Baby Boy listening to music videos on Daddy's computer. Aren't the headphones CUTE!? 5. Another AWESOME Daddy-Daughter project - a pop bottle wind spinner 6. they had me at "falafel" :)  7. planning our Fall garden! I am perhaps more excited about these crops than the earlier crops 8. green tea latte...mmm...

My Love Cooks

Once in a blue moon, My Love cooks...
Today he looked up recipes (keeping in mind we don't eat meat and steer away from most dairy), made a list, shopped, and prepared a most delicious meal of vegetable burritos, plantains, and SANGRIA!
It was really cute to watch him. As soon as he got home from the grocery store (3:30 PM) he wanted to start cooking, he was that excited!
He didn't ask for any help, and took charge in the kitchen. I was surprised he worked in there so comfortably.
I had the privilege of keeping the children from underfoot as he worked away in the kitchen.
Let me tell you that is no easy task with a very energetic almost 2 year old!
By dinnertime, I had declared "I'll take cooking over this any night!" ha! ha! :)
While we waited we played Angry Birds online...
Cars in the tent...
Baby Boy had fun snapping pictures of me! He would laugh this really big belly laugh as each image appeared on the LCD screen. It was really cute...
My Love working away...

The finished result...BEAUTIFUL! (and delicious!)
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