errand day

Despite the arctic cold front that has moved into our area, we had to run a few errands today.
We all bundled up and I jumped at the chance to wear as many of my knitted goodies as I could!
My Girl wore a hat I knit for her, and BB was wearing his gnomey hat I knit that is a bit small but fits just enough to keep the right areas warm! tee! hee!
My Girl and I snapped the photos in the first image with my iPhone as BB slept in the parking lot of the thrift store.
Unfortunately we had to be out and about around his nap time, so he took a short one in his carseat as My Girl and I played with my camera.
The bottom image shows our thrifting treasures. A beautiful robin's egg blue Pyrex bowl, and a framed embroidery. I have determined that if I ever find these robin's egg blue Pyrex bowls at thrift stores and yard sales I WILL buy them, as long as I don't already have them. ;) I have my Mother-In-Law's pea green set that I love, but there is just something about this robin's egg blue...ahhh...
I plan to paint the frame of the embroidery piece, and hope to share the results after it's had it's "facelift." :)

p.s. I processed the images in the 1st photo using the PS Express and apps for the iPhone and then made the collage with the Diptic app. The yellow stripy photo was snapped of the lining of my "purse" and the blue-ish image is of my new Pyrex bowl. ;)


  1. Ok, so my first thought is that it obviously wasn't TOO cold with those cute FINGERLESS gloves. :)

    Love the photos. Love the iPhone apps. Love the bowl. Love love love it all. xxoo

  2. Hey Khrista,

    This is Amie in alaska. Do you have a window into your living room like I do. If so that is funny because I know mine used to throw you for a loop. We miss you all.


  3. *Sara- they did keep my hands pretty toasty! I just LOVE them!;)
    *HI AMIE! So nice to see a comment from you! I miss you terribly!!!
    The window from my kitchen actually looks into our den/computer area. And surprisingly it hasn't "tricked" me like yours!
    I SO miss our get togethers in your cozy wonderful home! I miss seeing all the re-arranging, and decorating you've done! You are a great homemaker! one to be admired for sure! ;) Hugs!


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