Today I have been up since 5AM...bleh! Not by choice...I think this baby boy is re-wiring my internal clock. I predict he will be awake around 5AM every morning once he joins this world, because that's usually when I am laying in bed wide awake these days!
I figured if I was up I may as well make it as enjoyable as possible.
I came downstairs while everyone was still sleeping and dove into all my cookbooks and magazines to prepare this weeks menu. I also wanted to get a head start on meals I would like to prepare while my Mom is here, and for when the baby comes in about 3 WEEKS!
I prepared my breakfast of choice these days: toast with butter and jam

I have received many fabulous homemade jams from friends lately. Alaskan Blueberry Spice, Alaskan Raspberry, and this one just yesterday from a sweet new Momma friend:
Alaskan Lowbush Cranberry and Banana. Boy, was it YUMMY!
I prepared a steamy hot latte as well, and enjoyed digging through my books and planning many yummy meals.

As I was sitting in church yesterday, I was suddenly struck with a bit of panic, realizing that our baby boy is due to join us in LESS THAN A MONTH! 3 weeks! We're ready to meet him, and as ready as we can be for a newborn to come and live with us!
Happy Monday!


  1. I can't believe you only have three weeks left til your little man arrives ! That time has gone by crazy fast !! I so can't wait though ...

  2. Oh my goodness, Less than a Month. Time sure sure does fly.

  3. I have lost track, and was amazed that there are only 20 days left!!! and you are stealing our mom TOMORROW! I am so going to miss her. Have fun with her though :-)

  4. I have that same menu planning notepad with the little bird on it! :)


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