11 Years

(photo taken last month on a blueberry picking adventure)
Today marks 11 years I have been married to my best friend! This year is a little unusual in that we have no plans to celebrate. There are a few other things on our mind I guess...like my Mom is coming in a week! And we're going to have a BABY in approximately 25 days!!! 
We hope that once my Mom is here, we can at least go out to dinner somewhere nice.
I couldn't have asked God for a better 11 years. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend, and after 11 years, he is still the first person I want to see at the start of my day, and the last to kiss!
Yesterday he was super sweet and came home from work, picked up G. and the small grocery list I had made, went shopping and let me stay home and rest. And he brought me home one of these:

1 comment:

  1. Um ... just commenting now because I couldn't yesterday ! :) Love the photo of you two ! Love that you are still the best of friends. Love that I knew you guys back in the day when it all began !! :)


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