Mom Experiences Creamer's Field...

Last Sunday we took the opportunity to take a little outing to Creamer's Field.
We knew the weather was beautiful and it would be one of the last times to experience all the incredible leaves of Fall.
Sure enought, today we have snow! Only a couple inches, but some nonetheless.
I was so excited to have mom see the incredible fields. I think she had a good time too, and of course we got some good photos too! :)


We've been pretty busy around here lately. Major nesting going on, and having a good time reconnecting with my Mom.
This next week should be much more mellow compared to her first week here with us.
I hope to share more photos tomorrow from our trip to Creamer's Field last week. The picture above was taken that gorgeous day!
Also, we're down to 10 DAYS to D-DAY! I've been feeling really emotional, and on edge that last week or so. (God bless my little family for putting up with me!) A little bit of cramping and general discomfort as baby gets lower and lower. We're really excited to meet this little man! :)

She's Here!

ticket to ride

Conversation at dinner tonight on how our lives are about to change once the baby arrives...

she says... "It’s going to be SO different...I always thought it would be just you and me and Daddy...”
I say:.. “It’s going to be one wild ride...”
she says... “ I didn’t want tickets for!”

oh. boy. where does she come up with this stuff!?

(disclaimer: she is really excited to meet her baby brother, but I am sure things will be different and new for her for a while. I KNOW she’s going to be the most excellent big sister EVER!)


Today I have been up since 5AM...bleh! Not by choice...I think this baby boy is re-wiring my internal clock. I predict he will be awake around 5AM every morning once he joins this world, because that's usually when I am laying in bed wide awake these days!
I figured if I was up I may as well make it as enjoyable as possible.
I came downstairs while everyone was still sleeping and dove into all my cookbooks and magazines to prepare this weeks menu. I also wanted to get a head start on meals I would like to prepare while my Mom is here, and for when the baby comes in about 3 WEEKS!
I prepared my breakfast of choice these days: toast with butter and jam

I have received many fabulous homemade jams from friends lately. Alaskan Blueberry Spice, Alaskan Raspberry, and this one just yesterday from a sweet new Momma friend:
Alaskan Lowbush Cranberry and Banana. Boy, was it YUMMY!
I prepared a steamy hot latte as well, and enjoyed digging through my books and planning many yummy meals.

As I was sitting in church yesterday, I was suddenly struck with a bit of panic, realizing that our baby boy is due to join us in LESS THAN A MONTH! 3 weeks! We're ready to meet him, and as ready as we can be for a newborn to come and live with us!
Happy Monday!

first day

Scenes from our first day of 3rd Grade...

I got up early to prepare for the day...I set out all the books, and G.'s favorite freshly sharpened pencils. I was super excited to set out Junie B.'s Essential Survival Guide to School
I had bought it weeks before and kept it hidden away in anticipation of the first day of school. :)

When she sat down to eat her breakfast, she saw the book and "did a gasp" (as Junie B. would say) She said "Did you buy THIS?!" She has had her eye on it for a while. hee! hee!

It was a successful first day. I have quickly discovered G.'s favorite, and least favorite subjects already.
She LOVES Math and Science and whizzes right through her Math work. Spelling and Composition on the other hand...not so great! She despises taking her time to produce correct, neat handwriting. It is absolutely beautiful when she puts the effort in though. I'll have to share some of her compositions sometime.

Here are a couple of excerpt pages from Junie B.'s Essential Survival Guide to School
I read a few pages aloud from it one night at dinner to help G. finish her Lentil Soup (she was having a hard time eating a new food as per usual) I could not contain my laughter and was in tears at one point! Hilarious stuff! These are three pages we all cracked up at. I hope you can read them, I know they are a bit small.
love 'Cause your mother will buy the cheapest backpack in the store and there is nothing you can do about that situation' bit. :) 

The bit about the potato she found on the way home one day is hilarious. David and I could not stop laughing! :) 
Oh, and she finished her whole bowl of lentil soup that night! YAY!

my favorite day

Thursdays fast became one of my favorite days of Summer.
Thursday was our vegetable farm share pick-up day...

And the location we pick up at is near many yummy things...
Since pick-up is between 5-6 PM, it was always right around dinner time...
PERFECT! Because my favorite little pita shack is open that day! ONLY in the Summer though! This place prepares and serves their food in the most traditional style possible. It's the best Middle Eastern falafel I have ever had! The menu is small which enables them to prepare only "perfect" dishes! They even shipped the "perfect" pita oven from the Middle East to here, just to make those perfect pockets of yumminess! They even have Baklava! Mmmm...My favorite place ever! It closes for the season this weekend! :( BUT I bought two packages of pita bread to put in my freezer, and am contimplating getting two more today! :)

And since my favorite coffee shop is on the way as well...we might as well stop in there too! :)

Then across the street from our vegetable pick-up is the most popular ice cream place in town, also only open during the Summer... Mmmm...Chocolate Chip ice cream with chocolate sprinkles in a fresh waffle cone...G. and I shared this one. David's favorite flavor was Rum Raisin.

It became a tradition to eat our pitas at the ice cream place (G. brought a packed lunch since she hadn't developed a liking for pitas just yet...) and after we finished our delicious ice cream we would take G. to play at the park adjacent to the ice cream shop.
Much to G.'s dissapointment, the park was under construction the last night of our veggie pick-up/pita tradition! :(
This is one of the many things we will miss when we have to move away from here...
And for those curious...we STILL do not have word where we are moving to yet. We're down to approx. 90 days now, and hope they will let us know soon!

11 Years

(photo taken last month on a blueberry picking adventure)
Today marks 11 years I have been married to my best friend! This year is a little unusual in that we have no plans to celebrate. There are a few other things on our mind I my Mom is coming in a week! And we're going to have a BABY in approximately 25 days!!! 
We hope that once my Mom is here, we can at least go out to dinner somewhere nice.
I couldn't have asked God for a better 11 years. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend, and after 11 years, he is still the first person I want to see at the start of my day, and the last to kiss!
Yesterday he was super sweet and came home from work, picked up G. and the small grocery list I had made, went shopping and let me stay home and rest. And he brought me home one of these:

3rd Tooth

GONE! :) She lost it 3 weeks ago, and I've been meaning to share these photos ever since!


I am...

menu planning, and making a grocery list...

Scheduling G.'s school work...we start NEXT WEEK! :)

writing a school year routine, to be loosely followed...

paying bills...

sprucing up the downstairs half-bath...(free art HERE)

Wishing for one of these... (don't you just love that coffee cozy!? I got the pattern HERE)
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