Busy Monday

G. and I started our day leaving the house at 9:30 this morning...We had hair cut appointments, and I wanted to stop for coffee at the chic coffee shop right next to the salon. Here's a couple grab shots that don't exactly show off our hair cuts, but it's the best I could do with a tripod and timer!

The product Lauren put in G.'s hair after her cut, made her hair especially curly...a little poofier than normal...It's beautiful though, and has great bounce and volume now. My hair doesn't look too different aside from looking healthier, and a little more "kept." I alternate from curly and straight these days...Straight is my "lazy" hair. It takes much more work to get my hair to curl nowadays...I can thank G. for that...I believe she "stole" my curls when I gave birth to her! :)
After our appts. we had lunch at the above mentioned coffee shop...well, I had lunch... G. wasn't interested in the deli-type fare. I had a veggie frittata, and tomato basil soup that was delicious. G. got a cupcake for after her McDonald's lunch. The coffee shop had free wi-fi so I hopped on Facebook. :) I love the courtyard the salon and coffee shop are in ...It's very modern, especially by our town's standards. There is a yoga studio there that I hope to take classes at.
After we had eaten it was time for my prenatal appt. After the wait to have my blood pressure checked (130/70...so far so good) and weight (up about 5 pounds so far) I was in and out after hearing the baby's heartbeat. Our little one's heart rate was 140-150 today...Doing good. The Dr. put in a consult for my 20 week ultrasound (the big one that will measure baby, and hopefully reveal the gender!!!). I anticipate having the ultrasound mid-May. I can't wait to find out what we're having! We're all excited! :)
The rest of the day was spent grocery shopping and fighting a few battles with my girl... I will have to continue that part of our day tomorrow though, and I'll be sharing a particularly hilarious comment G. made at bed time!...It's bed time for me now! Goodnight!


  1. Love the new hair cuts ! You look so much like Rach in the photo of just you ... I did a double take !!

    Looking forward to tomorrow's post ...

    I had to laugh at your comment about people coming out of the woodwork ... ELLIE commenting !! Maybe I should get pregnant so she'll comment on my blog ! ha ha !!

  2. Lovely girls. It is always so nice to have a day at the salon and it sounded so relaxing.

  3. sounds like a very fun day! do you homeschool?


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