Baby Booties I

First knitting project for baby...
If we do not have a baby boy, there are plenty of couples we know that are expecting...I'm sure there will be at least one boy in the mix to gift them to!
We won't know if we're having a girl or a boy for a while still...if even then, you never know if baby will cooperate. But I think David and I agree we'd like to know what we're having before the birth. There are so many uncertainties in our life right now, it would be nice to know something.


  1. those are sooo cute! I think they would be fine for a boy or a girl....with the yellow in them. Heather said to me on the phone that it looked like a professional made them....but of course you ARE! when you find something you love you become a professional at it :-)

  2. those are so cute! and I agree - they'd totally work for a boy or girl!

  3. Oh my goodness Khris ! Those are adorable !! I can't wait to see them on baby runyen's feet !!!

  4. Yes, I did tell Rachel these look so professional and I also said can I get some. haha You did an awesome job.

  5. I was wondering...when you take pics like this do you put a peice of scrapbook paper under them? it just looks sooo nice like that

  6. those are so cute! i wish i was talented like that :)

  7. so cute! i may have to have you send me this pattern if you still have it... i'd much rather use the seamless version! :)


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