
We got the news Tuesday that our request to extend our stay in Alaska has been denied. This means we will be moving away in December...with and 8 week old baby!
We are all pretty disappointed. And curious as to where we will be moving to. Currently they have not assigned us anywhere. We updated our "wish list" Tuesday night. Some places on the list include TX, TN, VA, and CO.
So in the meantime, we are savoring every minute of our time left in beautiful Alaska. We're planning camping, and other trips. Lots of sleepovers for G. and her best friend...and not taking any of our time for granted! We'll miss Alaska and all the friends (really, family) we've grown to love dearly. Please pray for us, as moving is never easy, especially such a far distance...and with a newborn baby!
Pray for my sanity!!!


So yesterday was quite the challenging day for my girl and I. I think it may be a little spring fever. Breakup is in full affect around here, and my little girl is itching to be in the outdoors. Combine that with a lazy pregnant Mama, and it's a recipe for disaster! ah! David got our bikes ready a couple weekends ago, so we've been on a few rides so far. There is still a bit of ice and slush on our favorite paths around our neighborhood though.
G. was begging me to take her on a bike ride or to the park after returning home from our errands and appts. yesterday. I was tired, hungry and in veg mode. She was being very pushy with what she wanted...well she pushed too much and after snapping the photos from the last post it culminated to a yelling match, and me making her cry! G. never usually requires a harsh word to get her to stop behaving a certain way, and it usually takes quite a lot to make me raise my voice at her...but yesterday was a different story... So I made my baby girl cry, and I felt just awful! We made up after Daddy came home...He was my savior! After I explained the stress of the afternoon, he hugged me and giggled at the frustrations. He had come home straight from PT (physical training) So he told G. "Well, you better get some shoes on before I get cleaned up!" He took her on a bike ride and to the park while I prepared dinner and mixed up some chocolate chip cookie batter...because they make everything better! (recipe *HERE*) I love my husband!!!

On to the hilarious comment G. made...
Later that night after our very busy, stressful eventful afternoon we were putting G. to bed. Our routine is to both say goodnight to her in her room, I say our nighttime prayer (David blesses the food at dinner) and we tuck her in together. As we were talking and cuddling, I started to scratch G.'s back and she was sighing in relief, when all of a sudden she blurts out "AHHH! I'll pay ya a penny in the morning!" I started laughing uncontrollably! So hysterical the things that come out of this little girl's mouth. It caught me by surprise! I had a great laugh and felt the tension of the afternoon just melt away! G. said she loved my laugh, and said she had never heard me laugh so hard. She said it was "a wonderful sound!" Ah, my girl...I love her to pieces!

Busy Monday

G. and I started our day leaving the house at 9:30 this morning...We had hair cut appointments, and I wanted to stop for coffee at the chic coffee shop right next to the salon. Here's a couple grab shots that don't exactly show off our hair cuts, but it's the best I could do with a tripod and timer!

The product Lauren put in G.'s hair after her cut, made her hair especially curly...a little poofier than normal...It's beautiful though, and has great bounce and volume now. My hair doesn't look too different aside from looking healthier, and a little more "kept." I alternate from curly and straight these days...Straight is my "lazy" hair. It takes much more work to get my hair to curl nowadays...I can thank G. for that...I believe she "stole" my curls when I gave birth to her! :)
After our appts. we had lunch at the above mentioned coffee shop...well, I had lunch... G. wasn't interested in the deli-type fare. I had a veggie frittata, and tomato basil soup that was delicious. G. got a cupcake for after her McDonald's lunch. The coffee shop had free wi-fi so I hopped on Facebook. :) I love the courtyard the salon and coffee shop are in ...It's very modern, especially by our town's standards. There is a yoga studio there that I hope to take classes at.
After we had eaten it was time for my prenatal appt. After the wait to have my blood pressure checked (130/ far so good) and weight (up about 5 pounds so far) I was in and out after hearing the baby's heartbeat. Our little one's heart rate was 140-150 today...Doing good. The Dr. put in a consult for my 20 week ultrasound (the big one that will measure baby, and hopefully reveal the gender!!!). I anticipate having the ultrasound mid-May. I can't wait to find out what we're having! We're all excited! :)
The rest of the day was spent grocery shopping and fighting a few battles with my girl... I will have to continue that part of our day tomorrow though, and I'll be sharing a particularly hilarious comment G. made at bed time!...It's bed time for me now! Goodnight!

Pregnancy Journal

The photo above is the beginnings of a pregnancy journal I have been putting together recently. The original inspiration came from one of my favorite scrapbookers who just recently had a baby, and is creating a baby book of sorts for her daughter. You can see her project *HERE* Since we do not yet know the gender of our little one I went with colors suitable for either a boy or a girl. I have been looking for a pregnancy journal for a while, and none of them really appealed to what could be better than a custom made journal?! I have a journal from my pregnancy with G. that I cherish. It's just a standard store-bought journal, but is just as special because of the journaling inside. I'm going to have so much fun filling this book!

The cover says "9 Months-The Anticipation, The Dreaming, The Planning- My Pregnancy Experience, My Journey To You." These are all digital design elements from the above mentioned scrapbooker that you can purchase *HERE*

Some of the inside pages will document doctor visits, and personal reflections. Again these are made with digital elements that I purchased on the website linked above.

I made a tab for each trimester. I've created a couple mini scrapbook pages to go into the book as well.

I like the little tag with the estimated due date. :)
I might just share some pages along the way...we'll see!

meet "Hairy Larry"...

G. had this brilliant idea for a craft yesterday. She insisted on creating this creature around 8PM when Mama was pretty tired, and just ready to relax. But alas, her persistence paid off and I helped her sew this cute little guy. I really didn't do much except sew on the bead eyes, and assist her in stitching around the edges. She did the embroidery mouth herself!
I told her he looked a bit like Larry from Veggie Tales, hence the name "Hairy Larry." She says he's fuzzy, sort of like hair, so the name fits. hmmm...

Tomorrow I'll be sharing that project I was telling you all about...Till then, have a great Friday...or Saturday, depending on which hemisphere you reside in. :)


Can't think of a clever title... So my grand plans fell through yesterday when a wave of fatigue and nausea came over me. Seems my morning sickness has turned to afternoon sickness... I felt so tired and run down...postponed my grocery shopping. It was a miracle I even made dinner, I really need to go shopping..Any takers on that chore? The list is complete and ready to go! ha!
G. was able to go outside on our patio for a little while for some fresh air. She found her sidewalk chalk and created this little mural on the little hippie...takes after Mama.

David went to the store to get milk for me, since I was in no mood to go out anywhere, and picked up a few extra goodies as well.

These are the first items David has purchased for our little one. So sweet. The flowers are for the cranky Mama! ha!
My sister left a comment on yesterday's post asking for a link to the compost information that was under my coffee mug...For the benefit of all 3 of you that read this darn thing, (hee! hee!) here is the link: Decorate a Compost Bin there are a couple of good links in that article. And here is a link to the project G. and I are still going to attempt...we have a ton of empty egg cartons! Egg Carton Buggy Mobile The whole site has a lot of neat projects. I've bookmarked it for future reference. Enjoy! I'm off to drag my sick little girl and my tired body to the grocery store!

happy earth day

Underneath that empty coffee cup are Earth Day ideas I printed off yesterday. (compost ingredients is the very first page underneath the cup.)
I have grand plans for this afternoon and will share if they come to fruition.
But for now, the grocery list is begging to be completed, and shopping must be done! bleh...
I also have a project I've been working on that I hope to share with you later this week.

16 Weeks

Our little one is around four inches long (crown to rump) and weighs in at nearly three ounces. Baby is about the size of an avocado.

I know...

it's been a week since I posted anything...
Birthday Party prep and celebration took over our weekend and then, rest and recuperation took the better part of this week...and now we're on to Easter!
I will get back to posting regularly soon...I have a few photos of G.'s party to share!

Baby Booties I

First knitting project for baby...
If we do not have a baby boy, there are plenty of couples we know that are expecting...I'm sure there will be at least one boy in the mix to gift them to!
We won't know if we're having a girl or a boy for a while still...if even then, you never know if baby will cooperate. But I think David and I agree we'd like to know what we're having before the birth. There are so many uncertainties in our life right now, it would be nice to know something.

just one...

I'm at a loss as to what to post today, so I will just post a picture of G. playing in the snow yesterday. The light is gorgeous this time of year, and it's warm enough to frolic in the backyard! We are really ready for winter to pass though!
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