we're going to be a family of 4!!!

We're expecting our second child October 5th, 2009!!!
I am 11 weeks along today.
I'm sure many of you are saying "ah-ha! I knew it!"
It kind of explains the lack of regular posting here...
I've been trying to keep this quiet for almost two months! (It's been killing me!)
I'm so excited to finally let you all know!
(How many more smiles can I put in this post?!)

This will make 9 grandchildren for my parents and 7 for Dad R. and Bettina! (Bettina's first since being married to Dad R.)
David is pulling for a boy...of course, and G. is pulling for a girl!
We may be able to know in another month or two!
You can see more photos *HERE*


  1. I'm so excited about this new little Runyen !! Only 202 days to go !!!! LOVE IT !!! HOORAY !!! HOORAY !!!

  2. Congrats, Khrista. I am really excited for you. If it is a girl, I will have tons of clothes coming your way.

  3. AHHHHHH!!!!!! That is so exciting. I am so happy for you!

  4. Yay! So have you thought of any names yet? :)

  5. oh my goodness!!! so so so very excited for you guys!!

  6. I'm SOOO happy for you! Congrats! Aubrey told me if Everette was a boy she didn't want it! I laughed myself stupid! -Courtney


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