Guest Blogger - Edition 2 - "Chip-Clip-Critters"

Welcome to the 2nd edition from our Guest Blogger. We've decided this will be a monthly feature on the blog, as opposed to weekly.

We use a lot of clothespins around the house here. One of our favorite uses for them (besides hanging clothes, which is NOT a favorite task) is closing our bags of chips with them.
Our Guest Blogger got creative one day and decorated our clips to resemble "critters."
Today her and I got together and made a few more...We'd love to share how we did it!
To create these cute critters you will need:

  • Newspaper to protect the surface you will be working on
  • Paints
  • Markers/Pencil/Sharpie marker
  • Scissors
  • Sketches of your designs
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Google-y eyes
  • Paint Brushes
  • Clothespins (of course!)
  • Pom Poms
  • Painter's Palette (optional, we just got it, so we wanted to break it in! :)
  • Hot Glue Gun (kid's, get an adult to help with this as it gets VERY hot!)

Our finished critters: L to R "Afro" Dude, Ducky, Ladybug, Bunny, Spotted Cow, and Purple Dude.

Each eager to do their job! Now who can resist a bag of chips with these cute little guys on it?


  1. Hehe, I love the ladybug one! He's my favorite! They would cute on the fridge too!

  2. Oh those are too cute !! I'll have to see if I can find some wooden clothes pins here. Ours are all plastic and totally fantastic ... unless you want to paint them ! :)


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