Spaghetti with Olives and Breadcrumbs

After my post Lovely Afternoon I had a request to share the recipe for the yummy olive/pasta dish pictured.
This is a super easy recipe I prepare quite often because I usually have all the ingredients right in the pantry. I love the leftovers too!
This recipe is from Giada De Laurentiis and her show Everyday Italian on Food Network.
If you click the title of the recipe it will take you to the Food Network site. Once there you can read the reviews. Some reviewers mentioned cutting out some of the oil, and not using all the pasta water later in the dish. Good suggestions. And some mention that since the olives you use are very salty, no added salt is needed! I will second that opinion! Hope you enjoy!

Spaghetti with Olives and Bread Crumbs


* 1 pound spaghetti
* 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
* 2/3 cup seasoned dried bread crumbs
* 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, plus more for seasoning
* 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus more for seasoning
* 3/4 cup pitted and roughly chopped black olives (recommended: kalamata)
* 3/4 cup pitted and roughly chopped large green olives (recommended: Bella Di Cerignola)
* 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan
* 1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley


Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender but still firm to the bite, about 8 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a large saute pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the bread crumbs and 1/4 teaspoon each of the sea salt and pepper. Stirring constantly, cook the breadcrumbs until golden brown, about 2 minutes.

Drain the pasta, reserving 1 cup of the pasta water. Stir the pasta into the bread crumb mixture. Remove the pan from the heat and add the black and green olives. Add the Parmesan cheese and 3 tablespoons of the parsley. Season the pasta with salt and pepper, to taste. Gently toss to coat, adding reserved pasta water, if needed, to loosen the pasta. Transfer to a large serving bowl and garnish with the remaining parsley.

"I'm a Prodigal!"

One evening after AWANA G. was running around with the other kids playing.
She comes over to me yelling "I'm a Prodigal! I'm a Prodigal!" Being that we were at a church function, I assumed she had heard of the prodigal son...I thought it odd but giggled at her.
Later that night as I was putting her to bed, she said it again...dramatically..."I'm a prodigal!"
I asked her what she meant, and she said "You know, the flying dinosaur!?"...
I said "OH! A pterodactyl?!"...
Apparently she had been reading Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People that day and had read the word pterodactyl pronouncing the silent "P."
Now I get it!

Photo is totally unrelated, but you know I couldn't post just words! G. reading "Fudge-A-Mania" by Judy Blume.

today is a gift

"Yesterday is HISTORY... tomorrow is a MYSTERY... today is a GIFT...
that's why they call it the present."
Hope you are having a peaceful Sunday!

Lovely Afternoon

On Wednesday G. and I headed out in town to run a few errands. One of the most urgent being the need of milk! No milk for my morning latte that day! So we ran and got the little bit of food we needed and then made it a girls shopping day!
First stop was the game section of the grocery store to pick up Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania, which G. has been wanting for a while and could finally buy with her birthday money from Pop Pop and "Be Be."
Next we were off to my favorite coffee shop in town! YUM!
Then we hit the thrift store, yarn store, kitchen store to buy coffee for home, and JoAnn!
G. and I totally love our thrift store. We have to stay away some days, because we know we can't go in and come out empty handed...But this day we both had birthday money!
Our thrift store is more like a department store thrift store. The prices are sometimes pretty ridiculous, my sister (the thrift store queen!) would probably choke at some of the price tags, but we know that most of our money spent there goes back into the community in some way. This particular day we both walked out with wonderful purchases! Here are mine:

  • Pampered Chef Easy Read Measuring Cups — normally $23.00, bought new in the wrappers, in the box for $9.99!
  • Sears' The Birth Book — list price (which I almost spent last time I was at the bookstore) $14.99, bought for $2.99
  • 4 Kerr Mason Jars $2 — these will be so lovely to use for our fresh homemade lemonade in the Summertime! I've used them many times already for iced lemon water. Even G. requested a glass as it looked so enticing!
  • A set of 4 beautiful dark aqua bread plates $2.49 (you'll be seeing these in a lot of food photos I'm sure! :)
  • 2 white Fiesta cups .99¢ a piece. Lovely for those morning lattes!
Total spent: $19.45!

G. found THREE Webkinz without the tags (which she doesn't mind) for $2 a piece!

Here is a picture of my other lovely purchases that day:

  • The Gentle Art of Domesticity with a 50% off coupon at JoAnn (normally $35, I paid $17.50)
  • A Ball Winder
  • And yarn to knit baby booties. I was trying to find a neutral color so whether the baby is a boy or girl they could wear them, when G. came up with the brilliant idea of knitting a pink pair AND a blue pair! (I love shopping with this girl!) So I bought this yummy yarn!
David had to work really late this night, so I ate alone with my new book...G. scarfed her dinner down (a rarity, as she is usually the last to finish) to resume playing her new computer game.

There's the plate already! Isn't it beautiful!?

Guest Blogger - Edition 2 - "Chip-Clip-Critters"

Welcome to the 2nd edition from our Guest Blogger. We've decided this will be a monthly feature on the blog, as opposed to weekly.

We use a lot of clothespins around the house here. One of our favorite uses for them (besides hanging clothes, which is NOT a favorite task) is closing our bags of chips with them.
Our Guest Blogger got creative one day and decorated our clips to resemble "critters."
Today her and I got together and made a few more...We'd love to share how we did it!
To create these cute critters you will need:

  • Newspaper to protect the surface you will be working on
  • Paints
  • Markers/Pencil/Sharpie marker
  • Scissors
  • Sketches of your designs
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Google-y eyes
  • Paint Brushes
  • Clothespins (of course!)
  • Pom Poms
  • Painter's Palette (optional, we just got it, so we wanted to break it in! :)
  • Hot Glue Gun (kid's, get an adult to help with this as it gets VERY hot!)

Our finished critters: L to R "Afro" Dude, Ducky, Ladybug, Bunny, Spotted Cow, and Purple Dude.

Each eager to do their job! Now who can resist a bag of chips with these cute little guys on it?

do the cha-cha

My sister Rachel suggested I share more videos on here. This one is from a year ago. This was part of G.'s nightly bedtime routine for the longest time. It got out that last bit of energy, and was always really funny to watch! I think I may have even gotten up on the bed and done it with her a time or two!

my grandaddy

After posing about my Grandaddy's famous BBQ, I realized I had a picture of him actually in action! Check the post again Grandaddy's BBQ to see!

The Best Pancakes

Vegan with a Vengeance
(adapted from original recipe)
Makes ten 4-inch pancakes
  • 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2-4 tablespoons water to thin batter as needed
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Oil and heat skillet/griddle to medium-high heat.
Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt.
Add wet ingredients until just combined.
Do not over mix or pancakes will be tough; a couple of lumps are okay.
Cook pancakes until browned on the bottom and bubbles form on the top, about 4 minutes.
Turn pancakes over and cook until the bottoms are browned and the pancakes are barely firm to touch.
Repeat with remaining batter, adding more oil to pan as needed.

I've struggled for many years to be able to make great pancakes. Up until last year I relied on packaged mixes. Not bad, but much like my quest to find the *perfect* chocolate chip cookie recipe, I wanted something better! This recipe fits the bill. I usually make these about 3 times a week for my little girl. She LOVES pancakes! I love them with butter and cinnamon sugar! Hope you guys enjoy them too!

12 weeks

(photo by David)

I'm 12 weeks along today...happy to be moving on to the 2nd trimester.
I'm feeling more energized and motivated every day!
Still feeling a little sick in the mornings before I eat breakfast.
Not sleepy all the time!
Eating healthier foods.
Still in love with A&W Root Beer.

Baby is about the size of a lime now, weighs about 1/2 an ounce, and is about 2 inches long.

oatmeal raisin cookies

recipe found *HERE*

thick, chewy, oatmeal raisin cookies
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick or 4 ounces) butter, softened
  • 2/3 cup light brown sugar, packed
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (I often use a half teaspoon, but I like more salt in my baked goods)
  • 1 1/2 cups rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped (optional)
Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).
In a large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar, egg and vanilla until smooth. In a separate bowl, whisk the flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt together. Stir this into the butter/sugar mixture. Stir in the oats, raisins and walnuts, if using them.
At this point you can either chill the dough for a bit in the fridge and then scoop it, or scoop the cookies onto a sheet and then chill the whole tray before baking them. You could also bake them right away, if you’re impatient, but I do find that they end up slightly less thick.
The cookies should be two inches apart on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake them for 10 to 12 minutes (your baking time will vary, depending on your oven and how cold the cookies were going in), taking them out when golden at the edges but still a little undercooked-looking on top. Let them sit on the hot baking sheet for five minutes before transferring them to a rack to cool.

Grandaddy's BBQ

Every year at Christmas time my Grandaddy from South Carolina would pit BBQ a hog. He built his own pit out behind the garage and he would roast the whole hog for about a day or two. It was always an exciting event. I remember as a kid it being a really big deal. One year the hog's head was in the kitchen and us cousins dared each other to touch it's eyeball! ha! GROSS! Grandaddy would sit out back all day guarding the hog, basting it every once in a while with his "secret" sauce. We would all be salivating for hours in anticipation. There was always plenty left over, and we would bring it home and freeze it, pulling it out when we wanted an extra special treat.

(Grandaddy roasting a hog)

Grandaddy made the best BBQ sauce ever! Some say it's a secret family recipe. I'm not really sure, all I know is that I am one of only a few who posses it. I only make it maybe once or twice a year (David says I need to make it more often) but it's always a treat. I usually cook the pork about 12-18 hours, so we're smelling it a good day before we actually get to eat it! The sauce is vinegar based, not tomato. A good 'ol Southern recipe with lots of pepper! Every kind of pepper almost!
It's heavenly!

Ice Park Part II

Our favorite part of the park :) I wore my snow pants for the first time this year for this purpose. Snow pants enable you to slide super fast! I went down with G. more than David did! At the end of the day we borrowed one of the sleds provided by the park. OH BOY! We flew down those slides then! It was a blast!

G. wanted a picture of me in front of the camera ice carving. I persuaded her to get in the picture with me.

G. driving the Ski-Doo. Ahhh!!!

I did take pictures of the ice sculptures this year, but the pictures never do them justice.

ice park

Just one shot for now of our visit to the ice park last weekend.

Like the changes to the blog?
Expect bigger images in every post from here on out! Yipee!
Most of our links are now at the bottom of the page. Love the new layout!

a year ago...

...she learned to blow bubbles with her bubble gum...

and I never shared this funny video of it! :)



: any of several small yellow to orange citrus fruits with sweet spongy rind and somewhat acid pulp that are used chiefly for preserves

Since becoming pregnant I have had quite the appetite for junk food, which frustrates me! I used to eat fairly healthy, and hardly ever drank soda. Now pass the root beer and cookies! :)
These little golden globes are something I've been loving lately...and their healthy to boot!
I love the sweet and sour taste, and that you can pop them in rind and all! YUM!

we're going to be a family of 4!!!

We're expecting our second child October 5th, 2009!!!
I am 11 weeks along today.
I'm sure many of you are saying "ah-ha! I knew it!"
It kind of explains the lack of regular posting here...
I've been trying to keep this quiet for almost two months! (It's been killing me!)
I'm so excited to finally let you all know!
(How many more smiles can I put in this post?!)

This will make 9 grandchildren for my parents and 7 for Dad R. and Bettina! (Bettina's first since being married to Dad R.)
David is pulling for a boy...of course, and G. is pulling for a girl!
We may be able to know in another month or two!
You can see more photos *HERE*

my birthday...

little glimpses of my day...


1 : an act or instance of breaking up
2 : the breaking, melting, and loosening of ice in the spring

In other words....when our town starts to look like absolute crap with all the slush, trash, and dirt that has been buried beneath the snow for 7 months.
We generally don't seem to mind, because it means...NO MORE SNOW!
For at least 4 months anyway!

(and don't worry...I was unfamiliar with the term when we first moved here...I had to look it up!)


Today I turned 29...the last year of my twenties... :)

before the fall...

Before I fell off the picture bandwagon, I had uploaded a few pictures but never journaled on them or posted them. They are posted below in the order they were taken. Nothing spectacular, but it was our everyday life in February! :)

for kicks & giggles...

...and because I am desperately lacking in inspiration...
From blog
I cannot wait for breakup! Alas that is still a good 2 months away... :(
I hope to get back into blogging regularly...
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