Guest Blogger - Edition 1 - Fruit Salad - Yummy! Yummy! :)

This first installment from our guest blogger includes one of her favorite recipes to make...Fruit Salad.

You will need all the ingredients shown below:

A chef hat, apron, and a cute smile wouldn't hurt the recipe either! :)


It is important to wash all the fruit you will be using, very well.


If you are a kid like our guest blogger, a dull knife will do just fine to cut some of the fruit.
Ask an adult to help you with fruits that will require a sharp knife to cut, such as apples, pears and oranges.


Our guest blogger likes to include a can of Dole pineapple + it's juice to make it extra juicy!


And onto the SECRET INGREDIENT....
The juice of half a lemon!
Roll it and squeeze it!
It helps to keep the fruit from browning, and adds a little zing!

To serve, cut half a banana and add to each individual serving bowl.
Our guest blogger likes to serve it this way so the banana is not mixed with all the other fruit and become a yucky brown color.


Laddle mixed fruit over bananas...


Admire your dish proudly!


And enjoy with a good book and good company!


***Other ways to serve fruit salad would be to drizzle with a little light agave nectar, or pour a serving of yogurt on top.



  1. This is so fun !! I just love it ! The salad looks delicious and super easy. I should show the kids and let them make one next week !! Your guest blogger is wonderful !!

    PS ... I use the same brand of Agave !

  2. I just LOVE this! I'm going to have to show this post to my girls - they will definitely want to give this recipe a try! Thanks - such a fun, cute post :-)

  3. oh, my gosh.... I REALLY want some fruit salad now!! That looks so delicious! :)

  4. Tell G if she ever needs a job...she can come make her lovely fruit salad in my kitchen! Seriously! The benefits are good! Ha!

  5. she is just like her mommy! such a good guest to your blog :-)

  6. Hi Khrista! I just love your blog! I am going to make that salad now! You pics are so clear it looks like I am pluck one of those strawberries right off my screen!!


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