Flashback to August - Summer Camp

G. went to Summer camp for the first time this past Summer.
5 days of 5+ hours away from home.
She enjoyed arts + crafts, chapel, horseback riding, archery etc...
She LOVED it!
Here are a few pictures of the last day of camp when the kids got to take their parents on a tour...

In front of the "Craft House"
From Summer Camp 2008

Inside the "Craft House"
From Summer Camp 2008

I loved all the color in here!
From Summer Camp 2008

Her cabin...they did their daily lessons and "girl talk" in here. :)
From Summer Camp 2008

One of the cabins made a walkway with rocks and decorated some of them...
From Summer Camp 2008

So green and lush around the camp...G. leading the way!
From Summer Camp 2008

The snack cabin! G.'s favorite part of camp! ha! She was disappointed I didn't bring cash on the last day. She really wanted to take me in!
From Summer Camp 2008

G. didn't actually get to participate in this part of the camp, but we thought it was really cool how it was set up like an old time cowboy campsite.
From Summer Camp 2008

Complete with a tee-pee!
From Summer Camp 2008

There were all kinds of animals at camp...this rooster was so vocal! Saying goodbye to us I suppose! :)
From Summer Camp 2008

1 comment:

  1. Oh how fun !! I never went to camp as a kid. Always wanted to ... well, ever since I saw The Parent Trap which was pretty early on ! I also wanted to be Hayley Mills. Oh well ... can't have everything we want !! haha


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