Guest Blogger - Edition 1 - Fruit Salad - Yummy! Yummy! :)

This first installment from our guest blogger includes one of her favorite recipes to make...Fruit Salad.

You will need all the ingredients shown below:

A chef hat, apron, and a cute smile wouldn't hurt the recipe either! :)


It is important to wash all the fruit you will be using, very well.


If you are a kid like our guest blogger, a dull knife will do just fine to cut some of the fruit.
Ask an adult to help you with fruits that will require a sharp knife to cut, such as apples, pears and oranges.


Our guest blogger likes to include a can of Dole pineapple + it's juice to make it extra juicy!


And onto the SECRET INGREDIENT....
The juice of half a lemon!
Roll it and squeeze it!
It helps to keep the fruit from browning, and adds a little zing!

To serve, cut half a banana and add to each individual serving bowl.
Our guest blogger likes to serve it this way so the banana is not mixed with all the other fruit and become a yucky brown color.


Laddle mixed fruit over bananas...


Admire your dish proudly!


And enjoy with a good book and good company!


***Other ways to serve fruit salad would be to drizzle with a little light agave nectar, or pour a serving of yogurt on top.


things to come...

We're going to have a guest blogger on here once a week. She has some fabulous ideas, and concepts! I'm so excited!

Here is the spreadsheet she submitted to me today!

Flashback to August - Summer Camp

G. went to Summer camp for the first time this past Summer.
5 days of 5+ hours away from home.
She enjoyed arts + crafts, chapel, horseback riding, archery etc...
She LOVED it!
Here are a few pictures of the last day of camp when the kids got to take their parents on a tour...

In front of the "Craft House"
From Summer Camp 2008

Inside the "Craft House"
From Summer Camp 2008

I loved all the color in here!
From Summer Camp 2008

Her cabin...they did their daily lessons and "girl talk" in here. :)
From Summer Camp 2008

One of the cabins made a walkway with rocks and decorated some of them...
From Summer Camp 2008

So green and lush around the camp...G. leading the way!
From Summer Camp 2008

The snack cabin! G.'s favorite part of camp! ha! She was disappointed I didn't bring cash on the last day. She really wanted to take me in!
From Summer Camp 2008

G. didn't actually get to participate in this part of the camp, but we thought it was really cool how it was set up like an old time cowboy campsite.
From Summer Camp 2008

Complete with a tee-pee!
From Summer Camp 2008

There were all kinds of animals at camp...this rooster was so vocal! Saying goodbye to us I suppose! :)
From Summer Camp 2008


I've fallen off the picture bandwagon, as I thought I would...just no inspiration to pick up the camera everyday!

I hope to be back soon to update this poor thing...I miss blogging.

Day 38 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

A pretty routine evening around on my computer, with David sitting behind me on the laptop doing school.

Day 37 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

A surprise package from my Aunt today. She sent G. the most adorable Pug purse. She knows how much G. LOVES pugs. She has a very cute one herself named Chester, and often sends pictures of him to G. through e-mail. THANK YOU AUNT CHERYL!

Day 36 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Heart shaped rice krispie treats to share with our playdate group. Yum!

Day 35 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

G. and I found these vinyl appliques at a significant discount at the local craft store. It gives her room such a girlie touch. Can't wait to have a place we can paint and decorate as we please.

Day 34 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

An hour before we left for AWANA we were helping G. finish up the Valentines she wanted to pass out to her classmates. Even Daddy chipped in! :)

Day 33 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

G. and I had our annual eye exams today. The nurse was thoroughly impressed with G.'s maturity level. On the peripheral vision test she stated they usually don't give them to children her age because they just can't sit still long enough to do it.
G. had her eyes dilated and really liked the shades they gave her afterward. She wore them around the house all the rest of the day pretending she had glasses like Mommy.

Day 32 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Daddy took a break from repairing his truck to play a quick game of Battleship.
G. sunk all of Daddy's battleships! :)

Day 31 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

I tackled our craft/game closet this afternoon. Organized all the craft goodies in hopes my little girl would pull them out once in a while.

Day 30 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

G. saw the clothes I had dumped on my bed with the intention of folding them later...she folded them up nicely for me on her own. Such a sweet girl!

Day 29 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day
Really slow sluggish day for me...
But I made an awesome Falafel salad for lunch, and whipped up these babies!

Day 28 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day
Grocery shopping day...
I shop at three different stores to complete the shopping.
The Commissary first to get the best price on the items I can get there...
The health food store for our farm fresh eggs, hard to find organic items, and Greek yogurt!
The local grocery store for all our organic produce, and organic dairy products.
This picture was taken after the first stop...the Commissary.
I love it when they can bag all my groceries into these reusable bags!
We dropped off this load to free up the bags for the next stop.
We live very close to all three locations, so it was on the way!
Today I was able to shop and ONLY use my reusable bags. No plastic! Yay!

Day 27 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day
We recycle what we can here in town.
That is limited to aluminum cans, and tin cans.
We only take it to the facility maybe twice a year! ahhh!
It piles up in our garage until then!
The facility that accepts our cans, is about a 15-20 minute drive out in the boonies.
"Old Man Alaska" weighs your cans and pays you pennies for the pound.
The scale was acting up this day, but the reading was 20 lbs.
Not sure if it was very far off, there were A LOT of cans! And the tin cans can be pretty heavy!
It was like pulling teeth to get David to take them for me! :)
He finally did after much huffing and puffing!
I'm so glad he did! Our garage has so much more room now!
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