Day 4 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

These mugs are hand drawn on with love by my daughter and hubby and are so special to me. They were given to me this Christmas to hold my morning cup o' joe... :) The mugs were G.'s idea, Daddy took her to the craft store and she picked them out herself. The kit contained two mugs, so David decorated one for me as well.


  1. That is so sweet! G.'s is so beautiful! and Dave is so romantic....I am not used to any of that ha ha

  2. So ... I showed this to Rory who was sitting right next to me as I caught up with your blog. (my google reader has over 2000 posts ... yikes)

    Anyway ... I said to him, pointing my mouse at David's mug "isn't that a great idea ?" he said "uh, would you use it ? " I said "yeah, EVERYDAY ! I'd take it to work." he said "that's what I'm afraid of !!!"

    Looks like I'm outta luck ... unless David starts running those romance classes like I think he should ....


    They are very cute !! Great idea G !!


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