Day 22 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day
I've been trying to implement some good habits into my life again.
Here is what the dining room table looked like this morning.
I had time to read my Bible, look over my memory verses, eat breakfast and have a cup of coffee before G. woke up.
This binder and these sticky notes are my "life" on paper right now. I have set a morning routine, and an evening routine. I listed the days of the week on a sheet of paper, and the goals I have for each day, such as laundry, menu planning, grocery shopping, errands, cleaning tasks.
I already followed a loose routine in the past which included the following:
On Mondays I wash the laundry which includes the bed linens.
On Thursday I do laundry again and include all the towels in the house.
Mondays used to be my grocery shopping day, (that's changing) and I used to clean the bathrooms and sweep and vacuum all the floors on Friday.
Some of the tasks are moving to different days now to accommodate our changing schedule... But the weekly goals are staying the same.
Years ago I was exposed to FlyLady. I'm sure all of you have heard of her! Her concepts are good, and I have implemented a lot of her practices.
One of her main practices is having a shiny kitchen sink...
I always dry my sink out with a clean dish cloth specifically designated for that job, after we do the dishes or run water in the sink. It keeps the sink from getting those ugly water spots. When I wake up in the morning to an empty, shiny sink, it makes me happy! I've been practicing this for 2 years. (Even David does it!)
The binder I have been using loosely for about a year, but am just now really hunkering down and putting all the things to keep me organized into it.
Blank menus
Chore Charts
Bible study notes
Days-of-the-week goals
Birthday card organizer...etc.
It's a work-in-progress and probably always will be. I will omit certain sections, or add to it with time.
It's been really helpful to me! I have been SUPER productive this week, and hope for continued productivity in the coming weeks!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl !! Love the binder. I've tried a binder from time to time but find I need something that fits in my purse ! Because I'm lost if i don't have it and I spend a lot of time away from my house ...


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