Day 26 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day
G. played on Webkinz and Millsberry with her cousin V. for hours today.
V. calls G. and they "talk" over speakerphone as they play together.
It's a great way for them to still be "close."
G. ran the battery almost all the way down on the cordless phone! :)

Day 25 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

A typical Friday night for us...
after pizza and a movie...
G. is quiet in bed...
David plays WOW and I knit.

Day 24 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

My friend Kim, lent me her wool winder (or ball winder...tee! hee!) today. I happily wound over 10 balls of yarn. I love how pretty and tidy the yarn is when wound in this way! Thanks Kim!

Day 23 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Seriously addicted to this tea before bed lately...
I sometimes have two cups before retiring for the night!
Such a simple, inexpensive, pleasure.
My Mom always has some of this tea in her cupboards. :)
I'm on the lookout for some of this one. Haven't been able to find it yet.

Day 22 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day
I've been trying to implement some good habits into my life again.
Here is what the dining room table looked like this morning.
I had time to read my Bible, look over my memory verses, eat breakfast and have a cup of coffee before G. woke up.
This binder and these sticky notes are my "life" on paper right now. I have set a morning routine, and an evening routine. I listed the days of the week on a sheet of paper, and the goals I have for each day, such as laundry, menu planning, grocery shopping, errands, cleaning tasks.
I already followed a loose routine in the past which included the following:
On Mondays I wash the laundry which includes the bed linens.
On Thursday I do laundry again and include all the towels in the house.
Mondays used to be my grocery shopping day, (that's changing) and I used to clean the bathrooms and sweep and vacuum all the floors on Friday.
Some of the tasks are moving to different days now to accommodate our changing schedule... But the weekly goals are staying the same.
Years ago I was exposed to FlyLady. I'm sure all of you have heard of her! Her concepts are good, and I have implemented a lot of her practices.
One of her main practices is having a shiny kitchen sink...
I always dry my sink out with a clean dish cloth specifically designated for that job, after we do the dishes or run water in the sink. It keeps the sink from getting those ugly water spots. When I wake up in the morning to an empty, shiny sink, it makes me happy! I've been practicing this for 2 years. (Even David does it!)
The binder I have been using loosely for about a year, but am just now really hunkering down and putting all the things to keep me organized into it.
Blank menus
Chore Charts
Bible study notes
Days-of-the-week goals
Birthday card organizer...etc.
It's a work-in-progress and probably always will be. I will omit certain sections, or add to it with time.
It's been really helpful to me! I have been SUPER productive this week, and hope for continued productivity in the coming weeks!

Day 21 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day
I ordered this book from the end of December, and FINALLY after one lost package received it today! I am off for the night to peruse it, and pick out all the little hat patterns I want to knit! :)

Day 20 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

I spent a good 2 hours scanning and posting pictures to Facebook today!
I have a lot of family on there now, so we've been sharing photos...lots of old photos!
Today is also my Dad's birthday!
(That's him in the above B&W photo with his Dad. He's also the cute kid poking his head out of the igloo he made in his yard when he was little.)

Day 19 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

David celebrated the 2nd anniversary of his 29th Birthday! :)We had a great dinner with friends, awesome Dr. Pepper Cake, and plenty of Rock Band II.

Day 18 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Every Friday night around here is Pizza Night. Homemade.
(We rarely eat take out pizza anymore because it just doesn't compare to our homemade version!)
David's is ALWAYS pepperoni, Canadian bacon, and pineapple.
G. is pepperoni with NO sauce.
And mine varies...tonight I put fresh spinach, artichoke hearts, fresh diced tomato, and kalamata olives. YUM!

Day 17 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

While planning our menu yesterday I found this beautiful recipe for Blueberry Coffee Cake and knew I HAD to try it! I made it to take over to a friend's house Friday morning. It was REALLY yummy! Going in my favorites binder for sure! You can find the recipe HERE.

Day 16 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Planning our menu to get us through January.
The binder in the background is stuffed full of favorite recipes.
I was also making my grocery list with my iPod Touch! SO COOL!
Some yummy meals to come.
I will be sharing our menu with links to recipes on Monday over at The Beans Blog for Menu Plan Monday!

Day 15 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

I can't seem to get out of my habit of procrastination. And I'm beginning to think I perform best under pressure. But, seeing as I have never performed under any other conditions, I don't know this for a fact...we may never know. :)
Alas, this is what my desk looked like around 3:00 this afternoon. I had this idea for the SPARKS craft tonight for weeks, but didn't get it all together until this afternoon. 3 hours before AWANA! ha! God has portioned out an extra dose of grace to me!
The SPARKS really liked this craft...and us leaders liked this craft too because it wasn't messy! :)

Day 14 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day
I got an iPod Touch today! Woo! Hoo!
I LOVE gadgets!
Especially useful ones!
With a Touch, I can browse the internet (when wi-fi is available, of course) ...because updating your Facebook status on a Touch is what the cool kids do these days! :)
I have my contacts when I go to mail a package at the post office,
I have music or audio books when I'm cleaning, or knitting,
I can carry around some of my favorite pictures!
I can download movies for trips.
...Oh, the possibilities.
I already used the notes application for my grocery list today! No more post-it notes! :)
Saving paper! yay!

Day 13 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

David is going snowboarding tomorrow with a couple guys and needed some ski goggles. His attempts to purchase a pair today were futile, so he dug out his old ski sunglasses from High School. When he walked into the room where I was with them on I broke out in hysterical laughter! He couldn't help but laugh himself! WOW! I hope he doesn't wear them tomorrow!

Day 12 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

THE SUN! It's hanging out a little longer these days! Almost a whole 6 hours now! (compare that to a little over 3 hours around Winter Solstice!) Here's a link to a local news article about the horrible cold snap we experienced last week. Record Temperatures

Day 11 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Today I cleaned the downstairs of our house from top to bottom. Even pulled out the stove which I try to do quarterly. Now if I could just get some more energy to do the upstairs...*sigh*

Day 10 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

It was 36° this afternoon, so I sent G. out to play in the snow! She stayed out there over an hour! So nice to get out into the fresh air. I stayed in the house watching from the window awaiting a package that never arrived! ugh!

Day 9 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

I spent part of my morning ripping back a hat I made for David. It was too big and I was just going to frog it, but he really liked I ripped it back and re-knit it and now it fits! I'll have to take a picture of him wearing it soon.
(are you bored with my blog yet? ha! It's o.k....I can tell you that it should get more interesting once winter is over...stick with me! :)

Day 8 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

My way of winding down after AWANA and 20 energetic SPARKIES . :)
Knit . 1, Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time Tea, and a REALLY bad-for-you piece of carrot cake from the grocery store.
(It's to-die-for...literally, I can't even imagine how many grams of fat is in it...granted I only ate half of it this night.)

Day 7 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Dinner tonight...Vodka Pasta. Mmmm...

Day 6 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

I recently finished knitting this cowl. All for me! After a few months filled with Christmas gift knitting I finally was able to make something for me! I haven't been sharing many of my handknit items on here, I am on Ravelry (think MySpace for knitter/crocheters) and tend to load up all my projects there! Plus for the last few months I've had to keep my projects a secret! :) I'm sure I'll be sharing more handknits through this photo-a-day project.

Day 5 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Third Day came to town. I had the privilege of working as a K-LOVE Ambassador at the concert. We hand out bumper stickers, and devotionals and get the word out about the station. Most people had heard of K-LOVE, and had nothing but positive things to say about it. The most oft heard comment was "We love K-LOVE!" Third Day was great, and survived the -44 degree weather that day! whew!
Oh, and one perk of working a concert like this...ALL ACCESS PASSES! all of us volunteers got to meet each band member, and I brought home an autographed CD for David .

Day 4 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

These mugs are hand drawn on with love by my daughter and hubby and are so special to me. They were given to me this Christmas to hold my morning cup o' joe... :) The mugs were G.'s idea, Daddy took her to the craft store and she picked them out herself. The kit contained two mugs, so David decorated one for me as well.

Day 3 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

I've been working on this scarf for David since the end of September. Christmas came and it was put aside for other projects. Now I am happily knitting on it again...

She wanted me to...

post these least the ones of her Webkinz prop...

G. made this cute little prop for her Webkinz today. It's like those props at Disneyworld where you stick your head in for a photo op.
She was on restriction today from all audio/visual components. So she had a creative day. She spent some time creating a pirate ship out of a box that came with Christmas presents in it...
(see the anchor?!)
a treasure map...

crew responsibility list...

crew member cards...

and a treasure chest, full of gold and pink hearts...

I love days like these...she even said it was almost better than video games...almost. :)

Day 2 - Photo-A-Day 2009

From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Back to school after the holiday vacation. Tough day, but we did it!

Day 1 - Photo-A-Day 2009

I'm going to try to do this...we'll see. I can take at least ONE picture a day right?! Here is today's...
From 2009 Photo-A-Day

Auntie Angie will like this one in particular, because G. is using the beads that she sent her to make a bunch of bracelets for her friends. You can see one she finished on her wrist.
Oh, and The Pink Panther is on in the background. :)

Christmas 2008

Here are a couple pictures from our Christmas season...

Making Christmas cards together...



I made Peppermint Bark for a couple friends this year. I put it in these adorable jelly jars I re purposed! :)
David and I attended our first ever Army Holiday Ball. This was taken by G. at 11:30 PM after we got home.
Our beautiful little girl after the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church. Doesn't she look like princess? She loved her dress. :)
And some of us with our princess.

We hope you all had a blessed Christmas and that this new year brings you peace, love, and happiness!
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