Ten Years

"Yours is the smile I always look for at the end of a long, hard day. Yours is the shoulder I lean on during those time when life's daily challenges seem to be almost overwhelming. Yours is the hand I reach for when I need the gentle reassurance that only you can give. Yours is the laughter I love to hear, the gentle laughter that reminds me not to take life too seriously...You're everything to me."
Photo taken by our uber-talented child prodigy Gwyneth.
Link to last year's post HERE.

And because I love these pictures my sister took of me in my gown before the wedding:

I still love these despite the poor quality from being scanned.


  1. Dave & Khrista,

    Congratulations on 10 years! You both look wonderful. May God bless you both with many more years to come together.


  2. 10 years!! Huge congrats!! Phil and I are celebrating our 10th in May. Sure does fly by!! Love the photo Gwyneth took! And seriously, how fast is she growing up??!! Can't you slow that down a little ;-)

  3. Congrats! :) Love those pictures of you in your dress. And Gwyneth did an excellent job on the other one!

  4. Hey Khrista! Congratulations! Ten years is seriously hard to believe. And it looks like it's autumn there already - that's seriously hard to believe too! Lots of love - hello to David.

  5. Wow You had alot to post too! I am so sorry I forgot your anniversary! you made it this long, I guess we can look forward to celebrating this glorious event forever!
    Gwyneth has got some serious talent like her mommy.
    I can't wait to come see you there in AK and do some of those things with you!
    Dad R's Fiance looks so wonderful...I am so happy that you got to spend some time with her !
    I forgot we even went out in that field and took those pis! too bad we didn't have digitgal then ;-(
    Well I hope to post more often now! Love you guys


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