Great Alaska Vacation - Day One - Glacier Cruise

Dad R. called us around the end of July to tell us that he was making a trip to ALASKA! We were thrilled! Even more so, when he said he would be traveling with his fiancé Bettina! He asked us to make some plans, book some tours, hotel rooms etc. He would be in Anchorage the near the end of August! I was more than happy to make the plans. There were quite a few things David and I had talked about doing since we moved here. What better time than now!
Here is Day One.
We went on a glacier cruise through the calm, protected waters of Prince William Sound. It was an amazing cruise and a little sobering knowing that this was an area affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill . I remember watching the news when the spill occurred and understanding even at age 9 how devastating it was. It is now restored to it's original beauty! What a spectacular area!

Dad. R's fiance Bettina took this picture of us. It was great to be included in many photos! Thank you Bettina!

It was quite windy up on deck!

Dad and the lovely, Bettina.

The sea otters were the cutest things!

Glacier calving. The crew stated that this particular calving was one of the top 5 for the season.

Glacier silt makes beautiful patterns in the water.

Glacier waterfall. (With lots of seagulls around it!)

All tuckered out...

A scrumptious meal at The Glacier Brewhouse. Amazing food (...and micro beers, and cosmos!)
Bettina's son Jim took this photo of us.

I'm not certain this link will work as it's the first time I have attempted to share like this, but here is a link to an album I created on my Facebook account. It has a few more pictures than I posted here: Facebook Album


  1. You take AMAZING photos K!!! LOVE the glacier photos - Phil and I have always wanted to see glaciers. SO beautitful!!

  2. Wow, that looks amazing! Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures from the trip! And I am so happy for David's dad & his fiance! :)

  3. what beauty - i aim to see it in person someday!


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