Menu Planning Monday

I am participating in Menu Planning Monday hosted over at I'm An Organizing Junkie.
I posted this over on the "Beans Blog" too.
Technically it is still Monday here in Alaska. 10:30pm to be exact. I was so excited to join in Menu Planning Monday because I ACTUALLY had a list, and was going shopping today! I had to post! Here is our menu for the week:These are all new recipes for us. I can say that tonight's recipe "Turkey Loaf to Live By" was excellent. You can see a photo at the end of my post. I will type out the recipe on the "Beans Blog" tomorrow.

Here's my grocery tab for this week:
(When we first moved to Alaska -12.14.06- I immediately had to up our food budget. Everything is much more expensive here than in the lower 48. It also didn't help the budget when I went organic almost a year ago! Prepare to be shocked!)

Health Food Store:
Organic Dried Apricots: $6.29 (for a dish Mon. 1/14/08)
Lundberg Organic California Brown Basmati Rice: $5.79
Food For Life Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Spaghetti pasta: $5.79

Garam Masala spice mixture: $1.50 (also for Mon. 1/14/08)
Local Grocery Store:
Roma Tomatoes 2.5 lbs. $3.64
2 Lemons $2.58
Anise (fennel) organic $3.70
Shallot $0.76
Organic Red Bell Pepper $2.87
Organic Green Onions $1.99
Yellow Squash $1.76
Asparagus 1 lb. $5.29
4 oz. Organic Basil $4.29
Avacadoes (2) $5.00
2 Limes $1.78
Organic Free Range Chicken Broth $2.99
Snack Crackers for G. $3.49
Kashi Waffles $2.99
Organic Bananas .99lbs. $1.19
Kraft Shredded Mexican 2% Cheese (for G.'s quesadillas) $3.79
Organic Brown Eggs (2 dozen) $7.98 (I eat three scrambled egg whites each morning!)
Organic Whole Wheat Pasta $1.99
Diced Mexican Tomatoes $1.49
Bay Leaves $2.29
Organic Raisin Bran (for David) $3.29
Organic Black Beans (1 can) $1.59
Del Monte Organic Whole Kernel Corn (1 can) $1.49
Sundried Tomatoes $5.99
White Wine Vinegar $2.29
Hormel Canadian Bacon (for David's pizza Fri.) $2.89
Whole Wheat Tortillas (for G.'s quesadillas) $3.59
Grand Total: $102.27

Here's a picture of dinner tonight...
Turkey Loaf to Live By with Roasted Asparagus, and salad with fennel, tomato, raw sunflower seeds, and oil and vinegar dressing. Yummy!


  1. I love your menu plan !! Looks so yummy ! Can't wait to hear about the quinoa black bean salad ! Hope it's good ...sounds like it will be !

  2. your menu looks delicious! we tried some great new recipes this week, but i forgot to take pics. :) maybe i will post the recipes anyway. i can't believe your grocery bill! yikes! :P eating healthy is so expensive!


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