Cute Video and a Prayer Request

This is so cute! You can't help but laugh when you hear this cute kid's giggle!

We needed a little laugh to lighten the mood around here.

Tomorrow David is having surgery. Here is an excerpt from his blog post on MySpace. If you aren't one of his friends you can't see it. I wanted to post it here to ask for prayers.

"If you don't know I will be getting a new ligament in my left leg...about five years ago I blew out my ACL and messed up my medial meniscus. It has taken the Army doctors five years to say something was actually wrong with me. Up until now there was "nothing wrong" with me or it was a "very bad sprain". Anyway, I will be having ACL reconstruction and a medial meniscus repair this Thursday. I have placed this blog as a friends only, that means that I am only sharing with you and would like your prayers for an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery (oh with little pain). Right now I am most nervous about the night that I might have to spend in the hospital. Otherwise, I have full confidence in the surgical team, who by the way I work with everyday. Thank you for your prayers."

He is in fact(just learned today at pre-op) going to be spending the night in the hospital. They will be giving him a course of antibiotics while he is there. He doesn't want to stay, but we think it is best. He will have access to the best care, and drugs. He's going to have to do more of this on his own, as children are not allowed in the recovery room. Being the middle of the week I was not able to think of or ask anyone to keep Gwyneth for us. We will drop him off tomorrow morning and then we won't see him until he is moved to the ward he is staying in. I'm kind of sad I won't be able to be there for him, but I have full confidence in the medical staff there. Naturally he knows everyone fairly well, having worked with them all for over a year now, so I know he is in good hands.
Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!


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