Happy Autumn

New look for the blog for the Fall season, which will be swiftly gone in Alaska!
The forecast is predicting snow within a week! I'm not ready!
I'm still sick today. I waited on the appt. line this morning for 20 minutes only to be told they didn't have any appts. until tomorrow. I hate going to the Dr. but I want to be sure I don't have a sinus or respiratory infection. I can endure it as long as it's not an infection. I haven't slept well in days. Coughing all night. I actually slept on the couch the other night, so I could make sure David got some sleep.
So here's o Fall! I better get crackin' on the pies! We'll have snow soon and it just won't be the same!

I added a few items on my sidebar, one being that I am hooked on the new show Bionic Woman.

I love a good tough chick movie or show. I was thoroughly addicted to Alias a few months ago. I was sad when it ended. This new show fills that void somewhat. Yeah, it's a little cheesy and unbelievable at times...I'm easy to please! You can click the image above to view the very first episode online.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to watch for Bionic Woman to come here. I LOVED Alias too !!


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