
As if I needed another reason to believe I am abnormal...
Gwyneth and I did a little science experiment in school the other day.
We measured each other's height and arm span.
She was 44 inches both ways...which is normal. People are usually as tall as their arms are wide...
I on the other hand was 63" in height, and 66" in arm span!
I have gorilla arms! HA!
I was meant to be taller...
I always knew that!
Try it today and see if you are normal...
But then again normal is overrated!


  1. I love the new photo up the top ! Did you take it ? I want to go sit on that bench and read my book !!

  2. Yes I did take that photo! On the first day of Autumn to be exact. I thought it looked so inviting, in the golden sun of the evening.


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