Photography Blog

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Had To Share

I have been going through a phase of depression lately. Can't really pinpoint what exactly I'm feeling, or why I am feeling it. Is it the weather? Cold temperatures in the teens, bad road conditions so I don't feel comfortable driving anywhere, the sun sets at 6pm and doesn't peek out again until 9:30am! The darkness continues to increase through February or March I believe.
Is it lack of time with my husband?
Is it too much time alone with a energetic 6 year old? :o)
I've read blog posts by two friends of mine this week that have been a great source of encouragement. I would be remiss if I did not case you are in the same place as me.

  • My dear friend Larissa shared her insights on friendship and relationships in this post:
  • My friend Jess really made me consider who I turn to with these feelings (even if I can't fully understand them, God does.) in this post:
"All I need is a little (fill in the blank)…"

(After reading Jess' post I believe I have a better understanding now of what I am feeling, and the remedy!)

If you two wonderful women are reading...Thank you for your encouragement!


I made this!

It's adorable, and Gwyneth really likes it. I had a lot of fun making it! I started another one that is going to be about three times this size.

more snow

first snow

Oh, boy...
We had the first snow of the season today.
I went out in it this morning to finish up my grocery shopping.
It wasn't fun. I was slipping and sliding all over the place.
At first I thought it was just me, but I saw quite a few other people slide too...
'Tis the season......I don't think I'm ready!
I'll share a few more pictures tomorrow.


Dessert tonight...


As if I needed another reason to believe I am abnormal...
Gwyneth and I did a little science experiment in school the other day.
We measured each other's height and arm span.
She was 44 inches both ways...which is normal. People are usually as tall as their arms are wide...
I on the other hand was 63" in height, and 66" in arm span!
I have gorilla arms! HA!
I was meant to be taller...
I always knew that!
Try it today and see if you are normal...
But then again normal is overrated!

Recipe Blog

My friend Bonnie invited me to contribute to a recipe blog she started. It's titled Pass The Beans Please and you can visit by clicking HERE. I just posted a totally yummy recipe titled Mexican Chicken Soup. You'll find delicious and healthy recipes here. Emphasis on healthy.
I'm going to make the Quinoa Vegetable soup next week!


Last night I was feeling a little better. Actually pretty chipper. We ate popcorn and played cards together as a family. I considered canceling my Dr. appt. for this morning.
...That is until I woke up every hour last night to a coughing fit. I was so sad every time I woke up to find that only an hour had past since the last time I was up coughing. The night was LONG! So I got myself and Gwyneth up early today and made it to my appt. I have bronchitis. Since it's mostly caused by a virus, I just have to rest it off, and drink plenty of water. Fine by me, but I wish it would hurry up and go away! I've been sick for a week now.
Tonight is AWANA. Last week was opening night. Gwyneth is in her second book in SPARKS. I am a SPARKS leader this year, and David is working in TNT boys, 3rd & 4th grade. I am loving it! I just love working with little kids! Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade! They're so sweet and energetic! Little sponges!
Unfortunately I have to stay home tonight due to being sick. I will miss it!

If you haven't noticed already I have a link on the sidebar for my sister Rachel's blog. She has been experiencing difficulty logging into her old account, so she created a new blog.
Click HERE to visit!

Maybe while I am home sick tonight I will post a few pictures from our vacation last month! Although, I could catch up on all the prime time shows from last week that are bogging down our DVR!
We'll see!

Happy Autumn

New look for the blog for the Fall season, which will be swiftly gone in Alaska!
The forecast is predicting snow within a week! I'm not ready!
I'm still sick today. I waited on the appt. line this morning for 20 minutes only to be told they didn't have any appts. until tomorrow. I hate going to the Dr. but I want to be sure I don't have a sinus or respiratory infection. I can endure it as long as it's not an infection. I haven't slept well in days. Coughing all night. I actually slept on the couch the other night, so I could make sure David got some sleep.
So here's o Fall! I better get crackin' on the pies! We'll have snow soon and it just won't be the same!

I added a few items on my sidebar, one being that I am hooked on the new show Bionic Woman.

I love a good tough chick movie or show. I was thoroughly addicted to Alias a few months ago. I was sad when it ended. This new show fills that void somewhat. Yeah, it's a little cheesy and unbelievable at times...I'm easy to please! You can click the image above to view the very first episode online.
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